Manufactured homes shall be installed on a foundation; the axles, wheels and hitch of the home shall be removed. The foundation shall be constructed and installed under the manufacturer's requirements, or under the requirements of Idaho Code, title 44, chapter 22, Manufactured Home Setup Code, subsection 44-2205, Requirements for Foundations. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Infrastructure improvements installed to City design and construction standards, and intended for dedication to the City, shall require the preparation and recordation of a right-of-way deed and/or utility deed for each phase of the development at the time of submitting construction plans. A copy of each deed shall be submitted to the City Engineer and Planning and Zoning Director, and shall be made a part of the case file. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Approval of the manufactured home development permits the developer to prepare construction plans and to submit them to the City Engineer for approval. Construction activity shall not commence until the City Engineer, and any other applicable review agency, has approved the plans. Construction plans for each phase shall require approval from the City Engineer, and other applicable agencies having review authority. A copy of written approvals shall be submitted by the developer to the Planning and Zoning Director who shall include such approvals in the case file. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Prior to a building permit being applied for and issued for any manufactured home space within each phase of the development, the developer shall submit written verification that the City Engineer has approved installation of improvement construction. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Nothing herein shall exclude a manufactured home development from being applied for as a planned unit development. Applications shall follow the requirements set forth in Planned Unit Developments, subsection 10-03-07(3) of this Chapter. A planned unit development designed for manufactured homes only, or a mixture of manufactured homes, site-built homes, and other uses on rental or leased space is intended to enable the applicant to reduce the square footage requirement for individual lots and to incorporate that same square footage into open space and/or common areas for use by all residents and/or users of the development. It is also intended to encourage imaginative and unique design proposals that may be geared more toward a gated, private community that is essentially independent and contained. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide sufficient information that the planned unit development proposal conforms to the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan components, will be a benefit to the public, and will not adversely affect the public interest. The streets, whether proposed as private or public, and water/sewer systems, shall be designed and constructed to the same standards required under Section 10-05-07 of this Article, except the requirement for the roadway, if proposed as private, may be designed at a lesser width. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
10-06-01: Purpose and Intent
10-06-02: Definitions
10-06-03: What Permits Are Required
10-06-04: Authority of Planning and Zoning Commission
10-06-05: Inspection of Premises
10-06-06: Site Plan
10-06-07: Site Standards
10-06-08: General Requirements
10-06-09: Violations and Penalties
10-06-10: Constitutionality or Invalidity
10-06-11: Repealing Clause
This Article establishes minimum standards and requirements for the construction and occupation of recreational vehicle parks, especially as they relate to adjacent land uses and to the development of the whole community, in order to protect and secure the public health, safety and general welfare of the City of Caldwell. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)
ACCESSWAY: An unobstructed way of specified width containing a drive or roadway which provides vehicular access within a recreational vehicle park and connects to a public street.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: A vehicle or structure equipped with wheels for highway use that is intended for human occupancy for vacation and recreational purposes.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK: Any park, court, camp, site, lot, parcel or tract of land designed, maintained or intended for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodations for any recreational vehicle to park overnight or for an extended stay. The park includes all buildings and open space used or intended for use as part of the facilities.
SERVICE BUILDING: A building housing communal toilet, laundry and other sanitary facilities necessary for the health and convenience of recreational vehicle park occupants.
SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Document approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission which allows the use or occupancy of a structure of use of land subject to the limitations and conditions specified vehicle.
UNIT: A section of ground in a recreational vehicle park of not less than one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet, having a width of not less than twenty-five feet (25') and a depth of not less than fifty feet (50') of unoccupied space in an area designated as the location for one automobile and recreational vehicle or one motorized recreational vehicle. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-1989)
(1) Special Use Permit Required:
A. Prior to establishment or operation of a recreational vehicle park in the City, a special use permit must be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Commission as set forth in Section 10-03-04 of this Chapter and in compliance with the terms of this Article. The application for such permit shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Director and shall be accompanied by a fee as set by City Council and a site plan drawn to scale. (Ord. 2212, 11-17-1997)
B. A special use permit to install a recreational vehicle park shall not be construed as a substitution for the regularly required permits for building, plumbing, electrical or gas installation work.
(2) Other Permits Required: Building permits shall be required for and inspections made of all buildings within the park. The park shall be inspected by the Building Inspector during and after completion of construction of the park and a permit will be required for this inspection. Plumbing and electrical permits shall be obtained prior to construction of those facilities and inspections of the systems and of the individual installations will be made by City-designated inspectors. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)