This Article establishes minimum standards and requirements for the construction and occupation of recreational vehicle parks, especially as they relate to adjacent land uses and to the development of the whole community, in order to protect and secure the public health, safety and general welfare of the City of Caldwell. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)
ACCESSWAY: An unobstructed way of specified width containing a drive or roadway which provides vehicular access within a recreational vehicle park and connects to a public street.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: A vehicle or structure equipped with wheels for highway use that is intended for human occupancy for vacation and recreational purposes.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK: Any park, court, camp, site, lot, parcel or tract of land designed, maintained or intended for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodations for any recreational vehicle to park overnight or for an extended stay. The park includes all buildings and open space used or intended for use as part of the facilities.
SERVICE BUILDING: A building housing communal toilet, laundry and other sanitary facilities necessary for the health and convenience of recreational vehicle park occupants.
SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Document approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission which allows the use or occupancy of a structure of use of land subject to the limitations and conditions specified vehicle.
UNIT: A section of ground in a recreational vehicle park of not less than one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet, having a width of not less than twenty-five feet (25') and a depth of not less than fifty feet (50') of unoccupied space in an area designated as the location for one automobile and recreational vehicle or one motorized recreational vehicle. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-1989)
(1) Special Use Permit Required:
A. Prior to establishment or operation of a recreational vehicle park in the City, a special use permit must be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Commission as set forth in Section 10-03-04 of this Chapter and in compliance with the terms of this Article. The application for such permit shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Director and shall be accompanied by a fee as set by City Council and a site plan drawn to scale. (Ord. 2212, 11-17-1997)
B. A special use permit to install a recreational vehicle park shall not be construed as a substitution for the regularly required permits for building, plumbing, electrical or gas installation work.
(2) Other Permits Required: Building permits shall be required for and inspections made of all buildings within the park. The park shall be inspected by the Building Inspector during and after completion of construction of the park and a permit will be required for this inspection. Plumbing and electrical permits shall be obtained prior to construction of those facilities and inspections of the systems and of the individual installations will be made by City-designated inspectors. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)
The Commission shall have authority to vary any of the provisions of this Article when there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in carrying out the strict letter of this Article. No variance shall be approved, however, until after a hearing has been held on an application for a variance in accordance with Section 10-03-05 of this Chapter. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)
Properly constituted enforcement representatives shall have the power to enter, at reasonable times and upon proper notification to the manager, the premises of said park for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the enforcement of this Article, or of regulations promulgated thereunder. Enforcement of this Article shall be vested in the Chief Of Police of the City upon written complaints made by the Building Inspector, Planning and Zoning Director, Fire Chief, Southwest District Health Department Inspector or any of their designated representatives. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)
The following information shall be included on the site plan:
(1) Name of owner, address and legal description of the property to be developed as a recreational vehicle park.
(2) Boundaries and area of the park.
(3) Roads and driveways.
(4) Location and size of recreational vehicle units.
(5) Location and size of all buildings existing or proposed.
(6) Location and size of sewer facilities.
(7) Plan of electric and water utilities.
(8) Clearly indicated distances, setbacks and separations. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)
(1) The recreational vehicle park shall be located on a well drained site, and shall be so located that its drainage will not endanger any water supply.
(2) The area of the recreational vehicle park shall be large enough to accommodate the designated number of spaces, necessary streets and roadways, parking areas for motor vehicles and service areas and playgrounds.
(3) Each recreational vehicle space shall contain a minimum of one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) square feet, shall be at least twenty-five feet (25') wide and shall abut on a driveway or other clear area with unobstructed access to a public street. Such spaces shall be clearly defined and marked on each corner with permanent markers. Recreational vehicles shall be parked in such spaces so that there will be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') between vehicles and so that no vehicle will be less than five feet (5') from the exterior boundary of the park.
(4) No recreational vehicle shall park less than twenty feet (20') from any street or highway, or so that any part of such vehicle will obstruct any roadway or walkway.
(5) No recreational vehicle shall be allowed to remain in a park unless a recreational vehicle space is available.
(6) Access roads shall be provided to each recreational vehicle space. Each access road shall be continuous, shall connect with a street or highway, and shall have a minimum width of twenty-five feet (25'). No recreational vehicle site shall have direct frontage on any public street.
(7) Areas shall be provided for the parking of motor vehicles. Such areas shall accommodate at least the number of vehicles equal to the number of recreational vehicle spaces provided. (Ord. 1820, 8-7-89)