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Caldwell Overview
Caldwell, ID Code of Ordinances
"Manufactured home development" is defined as a site, lot or tract of land under common ownership upon which three (3) or more manufactured homes may be sited. Manufactured home developments may be permitted in residential zoning districts as a special use, if the provisions of special use permit procedures, Section 10-03-04 of this Chapter, are met and a special use permit has been approved. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
A "manufactured home", as defined in Section 10-03-11 of this Chapter, a storage shed, accessory building, and any other use as proposed and approved in the development's rules and regulations, shall be permitted on each manufactured home space. Other uses proposed by the applicant shall be included in the design and layout of the development. Other uses may include, but are not limited to, recreational areas, recreational vehicle storage areas, and community buildings. No other uses shall be permitted, other than those initially approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, unless an amendment to the special use permit has received approval following the public hearing process. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Manufactured home developments, unless otherwise approved as a planned unit development, shall be served by public street and utility systems that have been designed and constructed to the requirements set forth in articles 3 and 4 of Caldwell Subdivision Ordinance 1758 1 . (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)



1. See Chapter 11, Articles 3 and 4 of this Code.
The following are considered to be minimum requirements and shall be required, unless otherwise approved as a planned unit development:
   (1)   Development Area: Any lot, parcel or tract of land on which three (3) or more manufactured homes can be located.
   (2)   Space Size And Recreation Area(s): The manufactured home spaces are to be designed to one of the two (2) following options:
      A.   Six thousand (6,000) square foot space for multi-sectional homes and five thousand (5,000) square foot space for single- sectional homes. No recreational area required.
      B.   Four thousand (4,000) square foot minimum space with an average of five thousand (5,000) square foot space overall. Recreational area required: ten percent (10%) of the gross area of the development site. Such area(s) may include space for community buildings, gardens, outdoor play areas, ball courts, walking/biking paths, etc.
   (3)   Street Frontage For Each Space: No minimum required.
   (4)   Setbacks For Home:
Street frontage/front yard: Twenty feet (20') (corner lots shall be considered to have 2 front yards).
Rear yard: Ten feet (10').
Side yards: Ten feet (10') both sides; or, zero lot line for one side when the entire block has been designed for zero lot lines.
   (5)   Accessory Building Setbacks: Five feet (5') from rear lot line and parallel with the setback of the home, either side. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
   (6)   Sidewalks: Five feet (5') wide along both sides of the streets, constructed of portland concrete cement or other equivalent material as approved by the city engineer. (Ord. 3010, 11-16-2015)
   (7)   Off Street Parking: An area to accommodate two (2) parking spaces, constructed of asphalt or portland concrete cement or other equivalent material approved by the city engineer.
   (8)   Street Lighting: Installed in the right of way and in compliance with the city's current street lighting policy for standard subdivisions and as approved by the city engineer.
   (9)   Fencing On Individual Spaces: If permitted by the developer's rules and regulations, fences shall be installed in compliance with section 10-02-07 of this chapter.
   (10)   Irrigation: Each space shall be provided with pressurized irrigation from surface water, as approved by the applicable irrigation district.
   (11)   Landscaping: Each space shall be sodded or seeded.
   (12)   Perimeter Landscaping: A landscaped buffer, a minimum of ten feet (10') in width, shall be installed along the length of those portions of the development that front a principal arterial, minor arterial or collector street. The buffer shall consist of a mixture of vegetative plantings that are appropriate to the area's climate, or a combination of fencing, earth berm and plantings.
   (13)   Landscaped Entrances: Entrances to the development shall be accented with plantings that are appropriate to the area's climate, and may include a sign that identifies the development. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Prior to submitting an application for a manufactured home development, the applicant shall meet informally with the Planning and Zoning Director, City Engineer, and City Fire Chief to discuss the proposal. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Applications for manufactured home developments shall only be accepted after a preapplication conference has been conducted. The application shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Director, who shall determine whether or not it is complete. If complete, the Director shall place the application on the first available public hearing agenda of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The following attachments to the application are required:
   (1)   A site plan drawn to a scale of one hundred feet to an inch (100' = 1"), or to a scale approved by the City Engineer. The plan shall show graphically or by note the following information, if applicable:
      A.   Name of the manufactured home development and location map.
      B.   Name, address and telephone number of the person preparing the plan.
      C.   Scale and north point.
      D.   Boundaries of the site.
      E.   Unless otherwise waived by the City Engineer, topography by contours related to USGS survey datum. Contour intervals shall adequately reflect the character and drainage of the land.
      F.   The location of water features, including, but not limited to, water wells, streams, canals, ditches, irrigation laterals; the direction of flow, and the location of areas subject to inundation whether frequent, periodic or occasional.
      G.   Location, widths, and names of all platted streets, railroads, utility easements or rights of way, public areas, permanent structures to remain, and Municipal corporate lines within or adjacent to the site.
      H.   Name, book and page number of all recorded subdivisions having common boundaries to the project site.
      I.   By note, the zoning classification of the project site and acreage.
      J.   Street layout, including location, width and proposed names of streets and connections to adjoining platted tracts. Note shall be made as to whether or not the streets will be dedicated to the City, or proposed as private under the provisions of a planned unit development.
      K.   Blocks, and manufactured home spaces, showing dimensions with each space numbered individually. Note shall be made of the total number of spaces.
      L.   Location, width, and use of existing and proposed easements or rights of way.
      M.   Designation of all land to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with use indicated.
      N.   A statement as to the proposed sewage facilities.
      O.   A statement as to the proposed water distribution system.
      P.   A statement as to the proposed irrigation system.
      Q.   Layout or statement of the proposed storm water disposal system.
      R.   Layout of sidewalks and off-street parking spaces.
      S.   Location of fire hydrants and street lighting.
      T.   Landscaped perimeter and entrance areas, and signage areas.
      U.   Common/recreational areas, if any.
      V.   Any other information as may reasonably be required by the Planning and Zoning Director, City Engineer, or City Fire Chief.
   (2)   Proposed rules and regulations governing the manufactured home development. The rules and regulations are considered to be an integral part of the overall proposal and will become a part of the conditions of approval for the special use permit. Proposed amendments to the rules and regulations shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Director who shall determine whether or not the amendment is a substantial change to the approved rules and regulations. If the amendment is not considered substantial, the Planning and Zoning Director shall approve the amendment in writing and shall include a copy of the approval in the applicable case file. If the Director considers the amendment to be substantial, it shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission through the public hearing process.
   (3)   A landscape buffer plan applicable to perimeter areas and entrances. If signage is proposed, it shall be included in the plan.
   (4)   In those instances where a developer proposes that the manufactured home development is to be constructed in phases, a development schedule shall be submitted. The development schedule shall set forth a time frame for development of each phase. Approval of the development schedule shall be valid for twelve (12) months from the date of signing the order of decision, unless a one year time extension of the schedule is approved by the Commission following the public hearing process. It shall be understood that the granting of a one year time extension of the schedule itself constitutes a one year time extension for each phase. No further extensions shall be permitted, unless otherwise granted by the City Council following the public hearing process.
   (5)   Application fees as adopted by the City Council; such fees shall be nonrefundable. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Manufactured homes shall be installed on a foundation; the axles, wheels and hitch of the home shall be removed. The foundation shall be constructed and installed under the manufacturer's requirements, or under the requirements of Idaho Code, title 44, chapter 22, Manufactured Home Setup Code, subsection 44-2205, Requirements for Foundations. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
10-05-17: DEED(S) REQUIRED:
Infrastructure improvements installed to City design and construction standards, and intended for dedication to the City, shall require the preparation and recordation of a right-of-way deed and/or utility deed for each phase of the development at the time of submitting construction plans. A copy of each deed shall be submitted to the City Engineer and Planning and Zoning Director, and shall be made a part of the case file. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Approval of the manufactured home development permits the developer to prepare construction plans and to submit them to the City Engineer for approval. Construction activity shall not commence until the City Engineer, and any other applicable review agency, has approved the plans. Construction plans for each phase shall require approval from the City Engineer, and other applicable agencies having review authority. A copy of written approvals shall be submitted by the developer to the Planning and Zoning Director who shall include such approvals in the case file. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)
Prior to a building permit being applied for and issued for any manufactured home space within each phase of the development, the developer shall submit written verification that the City Engineer has approved installation of improvement construction. (Ord. 2290, 7-19-1999)