Parking Meters
353.01   Definition.
353.02   Authority to install.
353.03   Installation of parking meters.
353.04   Marking of parking spaces; vehicles to be parked within marked spaces.
353.05   Unlawful parking.
353.06   Commercial vehicle use of parking meter space.
353.07   Use of parking meters and spaces; overtime parking.
353.08   Hitching animals to meters.
353.09   Violations; reports; notices.
353.10   Disposition of moneys.
353.11   Free parking privileges.
353.99   Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Parking near stopped fire apparatus - see TRAF. 331.27
Parking upon sidewalks, street lawns or curbs - see TRAF. 351.03
Lights on parked or stopped vehicles - see TRAF. 337.09
Police may remove ignition key from unattended vehicle - see TRAF. 303.03