Within its powers, the Planning Commission may reverse or affirm, wholly or in part, the decision being appealed, and to that end shall have all the powers of the officers from whom the appeal is taken, and it may direct the issuance of a permit or certificate.
(a) The Commission shall render a decision on the appeal within ten (10) days from the date of the hearing unless an extended period of time is mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the Commission. If the Commission fails to act within such period of time, the appellant may determine the appeal has been denied.
(b) The Commission shall notify the appellant in writing of the decision of the Commission.
(c) The Zoning Administrator, or their designee, shall keep minutes of all proceedings related to the appeal, showing the vote of each member thereon, and shall keep record of the Commission's official actions.
(d) Once the appellant has received the Commission's decision, they may apply for a zoning certificate or permit that complies with the Planning Commission's decision. A copy of the Planning Commission's decision shall be attached to the application.
(Ord. 62-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)