1170.01 Applicability.
1170.02 Agriculture.
1170.03 Airport.
1170.04 Animal hospital.
1170.05 Assembly hall, membership club.
1170.06 Bed and breakfast establishment in a residential district.
1170.07 Bulk fuel storage.
1170.08 Cemetery.
1170.09 Church/place of worship, library, museum, and schools, public or private.
1170.10 Commercial recreation, indoor; dance floor/entertainment in association with a permitted use; movie theater, indoor.
1170.11 Commercial recreation, outdoor; public park, playground; public swimming pool; golf course, except miniature golf.
1170.12 Congregate care facility.
1170.13 Construction trade contractor's facility; farm implement and recreation vehicle sales; sale, service, repair and/or storage of farm equipment, recreation vehicles, construction equipment, and other similar large equipment; mobile home and/or manufactured home sales.
1170.14 Day care facility, child or adult.
1170.15 Family day care home, Type "B".
1170.16 Family home for handicapped persons.
1170.17 Gasoline station.
1170.18 Group home for handicapped persons.
1170.19 Home occupations.
1170.20 Hospital.
1170.21 Junkyard.
1170.22 Manufacturing and processing explosive materials; manufacture of products from raw materials; slaughterhouse.
1170.23 Mineral excavation, quarry operations; Concrete mixing.
1170.24 Mini/self-storage facility.
1170.25 Outdoor dining area.
1170.26 Outdoor display.
1170.27 Outdoor operations, outdoor supply yard and outdoor storage.
1170.28 Overnight storage of fleet vehicles used in operation of principal use.
1170.29 Public safety facility.
1170.30 Public service facility/maintenance facility.
1170.31 Public transportation terminal.
1170.32 Public utility structures.
1170.33 Recreational vehicle park.
1170.34 Sexually oriented businesses.
1170.35 Solid fuel fired outdoor heating devices.
1170.36 Studios for instruction.
1170.37 Temporary uses.
1170.38 Vehicle repair garage.
1170.39 Vehicle sales and rental.
1170.40 Wireless telecommunication facilities regulations.
(a) The regulations established for an agricultural use are not intended to restrict or regulate recreational gardening accessory to a residential use.
(b) Any accessory structures used in association with the agricultural use shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from a side lot line.
(c) This regulation does not apply to commodity crops, which are allowed in any zone. Commodity crops only include corn, soybeans, wheat, hay, oats, and alfalfa.
(Ord. 62-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)