1171.01 Purpose.
1171.02 Screening and buffering when lot abuts a residential district or residential use.
1171.03 Landscaping along the street frontage.
1171.04 Screening and landscaping of parking lots.
1171.05 Supplemental landscaping requirements for the C-3 district.
1171.06 Screening of accessory uses.
1171.07 Requirements for fences and walls.
1171.08 Landscaping and maintenance of yards.
1171.09 Approval process for required landscaping, fences and walls.
1171.10 Flexibility in the arrangement and placement of landscaping and screening.
1171.11 Lighting.
Visual screening or landscape buffers shall be provided for the following purposes:
(a) To remove, reduce, lessen or absorb the impact between one use or zoning district and another;
(b) To soften the appearance of building masses and break up and reduce the impact of large parking areas;
(c) To provide interest and lessen the monotony of the streetscape;
(d) To minimize potential noise, glare and visual clutter of outdoor storage, rubbish areas, dumpsters, parking and loading areas by obscuring the view with landscaping and screening; and
(e) To provide protection from soil erosion.
(f) To establish a minimum standard for the consistent appearance of plant material in the community landscape.
(Ord. 62-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)
Screening and buffering along the entire length of the common boundary shall be provided in accordance with the following regulations and shall be approved as part of the development plan required by Chapter 1181.
(a) When Required. A buffer yard shall be required when:
(1) A lot in any Commercial or Industrial District abuts a Residential District;
(2) A lot in a Multi-Family District abuts a Single-Family or Traditional Residential District;
(3) A lot in the R-1 District is developed with attached single-family units as part of a PURD; or
(4) A lot in a Residential District is devoted to a nonresidential use.
(b) Width of Buffer Yard. Each required buffer yard shall have a minimum width equal to the parking setback required for the district, except as otherwise required in Section 1152.07(h) for PURDs.
(c) Screening. Screening within the buffer yard shall consist of one or a combination of the following:
(1) A dense vegetative planting incorporating existing trees and/or shrubs or new plantings of a variety, which shall be equally effective, with seventy-five percent (75%) opacity, in winter and summer.
(2) A non-living opaque structure such as a solid masonry wall, or a solid fence.
(3) A fence which is fifty percent (50%) open through which light and air may pass, together with a landscaped area at least five (5) feet wide. The landscaped area shall consist of one (1) shade tree and five (5) shrubs for every 100 linear feet.
(4) A landscaped mound or berm a minimum of ten (10) feet wide and six (6) feet tall. The landscaping shall consist of one (1) shade tree and five (5) shrubs for every 100 linear feet.
(d) Location. The location of the wall, fence, or vegetation shall be placed within the buffer yard to maximize the screening effect, as determined by the Planning Commission.
(e) Height of Screening. The height of screening shall be in accordance with the following:
(1) Visual screening walls, fences, berms or mounds and fences in combination shall be a minimum of six (6) feet high measured from the natural grade, except as otherwise required in subsection (e)(3) below.
(2) Vegetation shall be a minimum of six (6) feet high measured from the natural grade, in order to accomplish the desired screening effect, except as otherwise required in subsection (e)(3) below. The required height shall be achieved no later than twelve (12) months after the initial installation.
(3) Whenever the required screening is located along the common side lot line in the area extending from the front building line of the abutting residential use to the street, the required screening shall not exceed a height of three (3) feet. Fences and walls in a front yard shall also comply with Section 1171.07. (Ord. 62-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)