1020.01   Drilling pipeline under street area.
1020.02   Permit required; fee.
1020.03   Deposit; insurance; exceptions for public utility companies.
1020.04   Barricades and lights; restoration of pavement; direction of traffic.
1020.05   Refund of deposit.
1020.06   Excavations: test borings, openings and excavations.
1020.07   Waiver of fee and deposit.
1020.99   Penalty.
Assessments - see Ohio R.C. 701.05
Openings by the Municipality - see Ohio R. C. 723.02
Surface treatment - see Ohio R.C. 723.23, 723.31
Excavation liability - see Ohio R.C. 723. 49 et seq.
Digging, excavating and piling earth on streets - see Ohio R.C. 5589.10
Placing injurious material or obstruction in street - -see TRAF. 412.01
Loads dropping, leaking or shifting; tracking mud; removal required - see TRAF. 440.06
Parking construction vehicles and equipment on streets - see TRAF. 452.04(a)(3)
Barricades and warning lights; abandoned excavations - see GEN. OFF. 660.09