No permit required by Section 1020.02 shall be issued unless and until the applicant therefor has deposited with the Building and Zoning Inspector:
   (a)   One thousand dollars ($1,000) in cash as a guarantee that any such opening or excavation will be promptly and properly refilled, that any damage done to any road, street, sidewalk, treelawn or other public property will be promptly and properly repaired to as good a condition as that existing prior to such opening or excavation and that such opening or excavation will be, for as long as it is permitted to exist, at all times properly guarded by suitable barricades and warning lights; and (Ord. 4-10. Passed 2-8-10.)
   (b)   A policy or policies of liability or indemnity insurance issued by companies licensed to do business in the State, recognizing the City as the insured, in an amount of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for any personal injury to one person, three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for any personal injury to more than one person and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for any property damage occurring as a result of the construction or existence of such opening or excavation or the condition of the road, street, sidewalk, treelawn or other public property in which the same is or has been made. However, such policy or policies shall not be required from any public utility company in the State which is operating in the City pursuant to a franchise wherein such company, as a self-insurer, agrees to indemnify the City against such personal injury and property damage.
(Ord. 56-60. Passed 9-19-60.)