1343.01 Picture machine defined.
1343.02 Application to public buildings.
1343.03 Compliance with ordinances required.
1343.04 Machine requirements.
1343.05 Films within booth to be in metal containers.
1343.06 Hot carbons
1343.07 Operators to be licensed; exceptions.
1343.08 License application; qualifications.
1343.09 License fee and term; renewal.
1343.10 Certificate of compliance required.
1343.11 License revocation; prior opportunity to correct violation.
1343.99 Penalty.
"Picture machine" when used in this chapter means any machine or device, either permanently located or portable in nature, operated by or with the aid of electricity or any other illuminant, and which is designed, intended or used to project upon a screen or other surface pictorial representations through the use of any type of film, tape or other material or equipment.
(Ord. 3077-1970. Passed 5-4-70.)
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to theaters, auditoriums, schools, churches, halls and such other exhibition or meeting rooms to which the public or any segment thereof, is admitted to view the showing of any pictorial representations projected from a picture machine.
(Ord. 3077-1970. Passed 5-4-70.)
No picture machine shall be installed, maintained or operated within the City except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and such other provisions of the Codified Ordinances relating to the installation and construction of a booth for the enclosing of a picture machine as well as the requirements relating to the contents, ventilation, doors, electrical installations and signs thereof together with such requirements relating to the location, construction and other safety regulations for theaters, exhibition or meeting halls, auditoriums or other places of amusement.
(Ord. 3077-1970. Passed 5-4-70.)
All picture machines within which combustible film is used shall be equipped with noncombustible magazines for receiving and delivering the films during the operation of the machine. A shutter shall be provided and placed in front of the condenser of the machine, and so arranged that it can be instantly closed by the operator.
(Ord. 3077-1970. Passed 5-4-70.)