   A subdivider, when advertising a subdivided tract of land for sale, shall be specific as to the following:
   (A)   Facilities for water and sewage. Whether officially approved water and sewage facilities are available or not;
   (B)   Water availability. The amount of officially approved water available to each lot purchaser in terms of gallons per day;
   (C)   Provisions for fire hydrants. Whether the subdivision is provided with a water system which has provided for the installation of fire hydrants at recommended intervals;
   (D)   Tract eligibility for flood insurance. Whether the tract of land is eligible for flood insurance in accordance with FIA standards, if applicable; and
   (E)   Eligibility of access roads. Whether access roads are eligible for acceptance in the state secondary system of highways.
(1997 Code, § 58-266) (Ord. passed 2-21-1977, § 7-1)
   After February 22, 1977, all subdivisions shall incorporate the following standards and specifications:
   (A)   The right-of-way width shall not be less than 50 feet;
   (B)   Roadways shall be graded to 30 feet, exclusive of side ditches;
   (C)   Drainage structures, including culverts approved by the State Department of Highways, shall be provided. Drainage easements within subdivisions and easements for drainage outlets leaving subdivisions shall be shown on the recorded plat of subdivision;
   (D)   The base for pavement shall be at least 20 feet in width and 5 inches in depth and shall be of stone, gravel or other satisfactory stabilizing material approved by the State Department of Highways;
   (E)   Pavement width shall be a minimum width of 20 feet, constructed of material passing State Department of Highways’ specifications. The pavement will consist of a final sealed treatment of asphalt and aggregate, and the rates of application to be in accordance with State Department of Highways’ specifications;
   (F)   Side ditches and outlet ditches shall be paved in accordance with the State Department of Highways’ current specifications, if deemed necessary by the resident highway engineer for the county;
   (G)   All drainage structures under driveways shall be a minimum of 12 inches in diameter;
   (H)   The inclusion of new subdivision roads into the secondary road system of the State Department of Highways at any time other than July 1 will require the developer to pay a maintenance fee based on the rates established by the Council from time to time; and
   (I)   The developer shall contact the resident highway engineer for the county to determine the requirements necessary to be met to comply with the State Department of Highways’ design standards and specifications.
(1997 Code, § 58-301) (Ord. passed 2-21-1977, Appx. A)
   (A)   Preapplication. Preapplication procedures are as follows:
      (1)   Subdivider. The subdivider gathers data on existing conditions; studies the site suitability and development opportunities; discusses financing, planning and marketing with those interested; and develops a preliminary sketch form which is submitted to the agent for advice and assistance.
      (2)   Preliminary sketch. This first submission may be a freehand sketch in pencil made directly on a print of a topographic survey. The sketch should show the following:
         (a)   Layout of streets;
         (b)   Lots and other features in relation to site conditions;
         (c)   Sites of proposed schools, churches, parks, playgrounds and shopping and neighborhood facilities; and
         (d)   Utilities.
      (3)   Agent. The agent reviews the sketch and programs as they relate to the officially adopted community master plan for development, design standards, improvement requirements and discusses the review with the developer.
   (B)   Preliminary plat. Preliminary plat procedures are as follows:
      (1)   Subdivider. The subdivider determines the feasibility of continued development based on discussions with the agent, lending institutions and other affected agencies. At this time a preliminary plat is prepared for submission to the agent for conditional preliminary approval.
      (2)   Preliminary subdivision plan. When the sketch is satisfactory to all concerned, preparation of a more accurate preliminary subdivision plan is developed. This plan should provide the following data:
         (a)   Streets, rights-of-way and roadway widths and approximate grades and gradients;
         (b)   Other rights-of-way or easements;
          (c)   Storm drainage system;
         (d)   Spot elevations and slope ratios for any heavy grading;
         (e)   Lot lines and numbers;
         (f)   Sites, if any, for parks, churches and the like;
         (g)   Minimum building setback lines;
         (h)   Key plan, legend and notes;
         (i)   Site data, including acres in parks and the like; and
         (j)   Title, scale, north arrow and date.
      (3)   Agent. The agent reviews the application and preliminary plat for conditional approval and determines conformity to subdivision standards. The agent shall grant conditional approval, subject to the conditions agreed upon, or disapproval.
   (C)   Final plat. Final plat procedures are as follows:
      (1)   Subdivider. The subdivider stakes out the tract, or that portion to be first subdivided, in accordance with the preliminary plat as conditionally approved; installs the improvements, or posts a bond to guarantee completion of the improvements stipulated; prepares the final plat in accordance with this chapter and submits it to the agent with other required material and documents.
      (2)   Agent. The agent reviews the final plat, recommends approval or disapproval, or informs the subdivider as to what is lacking to obtain approval for recording.
   (D)   Recording of final plat. The subdivider shall record the approved final plat and other documents, proceed with his or her development plans and programs, and thereafter begin the sale of lots and houses.
(1997 Code, § 58-302) (Ord. passed 2-21-1977, Appx. A)