The owner of every apartment house in the City shall install a video surveillance system. For the purposes of this chapter, "apartment house" shall mean a building designed or intended to be occupied by five or more families living independently of each other in five or more dwelling units where the units are separated by party walls with varying arrangements of entrances. Any apartment house which installed surveillance systems prior to the effective date of this chapter must ensure the systems are in full compliance with this chapter. Video surveillance systems shall be in operation twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, and shall meet the minimum technological standards established in this chapter.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
(a) If a crime occurs, or if the owner or management of an apartment house believes a crime has occurred, the owner or management shall immediately contact the City's Division of Police and shall provide immediate access to the media containing the recorded event to the Division of Police. The apartment house shall retain the continuous digital images recorded by its system(s) for not less than thirty (30) days.
(b) If the owner or management does not consent to providing access to the media containing the recorded event, the City may appear before any judge in a court of competent jurisdiction and seek a search warrant to allow access. If a warrant is issued, no owner or manager shall fail or neglect, upon presentation of a warrant, to properly permit access to the media consistent with the terms of the warrant.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
The video surveillance system must be capable of delineating on playback of the system the activity and physical features of persons or areas within the premises and must be able to record such images on a form of media as approved by the Division of Police upon inspection thereof. Additional minimum technological standards required for video surveillance systems may be established by legislation of the City Council, which may be updated periodically. The Division of Police shall review the video surveillance system standards annually to ensure that they are consistent with current technology, and shall recommend appropriate updates to Council. If the video surveillance system is web-enabled or has wireless capability, the Division of Police shall be provided the ability to access the live system upon initiation by the apartment house during incidents requiring a police response or intervention.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
The video surveillance system shall have, at a minimum, a camera at each exterior entrance and exit positioned to capture faces of people entering and exiting. The placement of cameras included in video surveillance systems required under this chapter must be approved by the Division of Police. The Division of Police will conduct an assessment of video surveillance systems at each site required to install a video surveillance system, and upon approval of the installation, will issue an approval notice which will be placed in plain view inside the premises. This approval notice will also inform residents and visitors of the existence of the video surveillance system.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
(a) The owner of every apartment house in the City shall install adequate exterior lighting in parking lots and walks. "Adequate exterior lighting" means lighting designed to follow the guidelines established in IESNA RP-33: Lighting for Exterior Environments, promulgated by the Illuminating Engineering Society. Exterior lighting sources must be designed, constructed, located, and maintained in a manner that minimizes light trespass onto neighboring properties. The light trespass from a property must not exceed 0.1-foot candles 10 feet over the property line, measured at grade. Exterior lighting sources must otherwise conform to the provisions of all applicable code.
(b) The City shall provide to every apartment house owner or manager the established guidelines set forth in IESNA RP-33 for lighting for exterior environments and shall provide assistance, as needed, to ensure that each apartment house owner or manager is fully informed of the city's expectations for lighting.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
The video surveillance system shall be subject to regular inspection by the Division of Building, which shall be authorized to inspect at all reasonable times any video surveillance system to determine if the system conforms with this chapter and regulations adopted by Council resolution. If the video surveillance system does not so conform, the apartment house owner must take immediate steps to bring the system into conformance.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
(a) Owners and managers of apartment houses subject to the mandatory requirements of this chapter shall have six (6) months from the effective date of this chapter to comply with the regulations set forth in this chapter.
(b) The violation of any provision of this chapter by any owner or management of an apartment house subject to this chapter shall result in a notice of violation from the Division of Building. The Division of Building is authorized to investigate all alleged violations. Violators shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice to provide proof of compliance to the Division of Building. If the violation continues after the thirty- (30) day period, the Building Commissioner or his or her designee may issue a civil citation against the violator, in which case the violator shall pay a fine in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) within thirty (30) days of the citation.
(c) In addition to the foregoing, the violation of any provision of this chapter shall be and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and contrary to the public interest and shall, at the discretion of the City, create a cause of action for injunctive relief.
(d) For purposes of this chapter, each thirty (30)-day period within which a violation continues shall be a separate violation.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
An owner or manager of an apartment house required to install a video surveillance system and exterior lighting may, on an annual basis, apply to the Division of Police for an exemption from the provisions of this chapter. The Chief of Police may exempt an apartment house for a period of twelve (12) months if the Chief or his or her designee finds that the apartment house has undertaken or will undertake alternate security procedures which are substantially equal to or more effective in preventing criminal activity and in assisting in the apprehension of the perpetrators of crime or for the protection of residents and the community. The Chief or his or her designee may also authorize alternate procedures on an experimental basis. Such an exemption shall carry a maximum duration of twelve (12) months, and an owner or management must reapply for an exemption at the end of the exemption period or bring the system into conformance with this chapter. The Chief or his or her designee may also authorize temporary extensions of time for installation when an apartment house owner or manager demonstrates that he, she or it is temporarily unable to comply for good cause shown.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)
(a) Any person found to be in violation of this chapter by the Building Commissioner or his or her designee shall have the right to a hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(b) The written notice of violation by the Building Commissioner or his or her designee shall set forth the grounds for the violation, and shall inform the recipient that he, she or it has ten (10) days from the date of mailing of the notice to file a written request for a hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(c) Within ten (10) days of mailing of the written notice of violation by the Building Commissioner or his or her designee, the recipient may appeal by requesting a hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals. Such a request must be made in writing and must set forth the specific grounds for the appeal. If the recipient files a timely request for a hearing, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall set a time and place for the hearing within thirty (30) days thereafter. All parties involved shall have the right to offer testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues, to be represented by counsel, and to confront and cross-examine any witness against them. The Board of Zoning Appeals may affirm, reverse or modify any notice of violation issued by the Building Commissioner or his or her designee, and its decision shall be final and rendered at the hearing, unless continued for good cause.
(Ord. 2022-32. Passed 3-13-23.)