(a) The sale of gasoline and oil and the display and sale of small automotive accessories, such as wiper blades, radiator and gas caps at a gasoline station is permitted in an open yard. The display and sale of automotive tires in an open yard at gasoline stations shall also be permitted so long as such display and sale is not considered by the Safety Director to constitute a traffic hazard.
(b) The sale of seasonal merchandise such as Christmas trees and pumpkins may be displayed for a period not exceeding 30 days by application for a special permit through the Safety Director. Each business is limited to the issuance of three (3) special permits in any calendar year.
(c) The sale of garden supplies and furniture and nursery stock, provided the operation is in connection with an established business conducted within a building not more than 150 feet therefrom, and provided goods are not sold, displayed or stored in a required yard.
(d) Sales outside an enclosed building conducted by a tenant or owner of the premises at which sale is held with such owner or tenant also conducting its regular business wholly within an enclosed building at the sale location provided that no merchandise is sold, displayed or stored in a required yard; the display area of such sale shall not exceed the width of tenant's or owner's individual store frontage and shall not block any entrance or exit or obstruct the use of public sidewalks; and such sale is conducted only during the tenant's or owner's normal business hours and such sale is limited to the same type of merchandise generally sold by the tenant or owner wholly within an enclosed building at the premises where the sale is being conducted. Prior to conducting such sale the tenant or owner of the premises shall file with the Safety Director an application for a permit therefor. If in the opinion of the Safety Director the outside sale is suitable according to building, sanitation and fire laws of the City and State he may issue a permit to the tenant or owner of the premises. The duration of each permit will not be valid for more than seven (7) days and no more than three (3) permits shall be issued to each business per year. Furthermore a time period of at least 60 days must elapse between the issuance of permits to each business.
(e) Any activity, event or function conducted by or on behalf of any recognized non- profit, educational, philanthropic, civic, religious, political or charitable organization or group provided that the aforementioned organization or group or person on its behalf first registers with the Safety Director stating the name of the organization or group, the nature of the activity, event or function being conducted, the duration and location of such activity, event or function and providing such other information deemed necessary by the Safety Director, including evidence satisfactory to the Safety Director that the organization or group is a recognized nonprofit, educational, philanthropic, civic, religious, political or charitable organization or group and that the person registering the organization or group is, in fact, authorized to act on its behalf. Written consent of the owner of the premises or other duly authorized person shall be provided. The registration shall be valid for a period not to exceed three days from the date the activity, event or function first commences unless earlier revoked.
(f) No registration shall be assigned or transferred to any other organization, group or person. The proposed location of the activity, event or function shall not constitute a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare and shall be approved by the Safety Director. The approval of a registration shall constitute a temporary waiver of use restrictions, yard requirements, height regulations and accessory off-street parking requirements. No registration issued pursuant to this section shall be issued to any one given premises more than four times in any calendar year.
(g) Any false, misleading or deceptive information provided by the registrant shall be cause for immediate revocation of the registration.
(Ord. 1997-80. Passed 6-23-97.)
(Ord. 1997-80. Passed 6-23-97.)