(a) The Director of Public Safety shall separately establish and maintain each of the following:
(1) A "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry"; and
(2) A "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry".
(b) Any person in lawful possession and occupancy of any residence, house, apartment or other dwelling in the City of Brooklyn may require the City to place and maintain his or her residence, house, apartment or other dwelling on the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" and/or the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry" by submitting a separate request for each registry on form(s) supplied by the Director of Public Safety, each of which shall contain the following information:
(1) The signature of the person completing the form(s), unless the submission is done electronically with a secure password on the City of Brooklyn website;
(2) The complete address of the residence, house, apartment or other dwelling to be placed on the registry;
(3) The date the form was completed;
(4) A statement that "No Peddlers Shall Call at this Address" or words of similar import on the form for the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" and/or a statement that "No Solicitors Shall Call at this Address" or words of similar import for the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry"; and
(5) The exceptions, if any, which the person completing the form(s) wishes to be made to the requirement that Peddlers and/or Solicitors do not call at his or her residence, house, apartment or other dwelling.
(c) Any person in lawful possession and occupancy of any residence, house, apartment or other dwelling in the City may require the City to remove his or her residence, house, apartment or other dwelling from the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" and/or the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry" by submitting a separate "Notice of Removal" from either or both of said registries on form(s) supplied by the Director of Public Safety, each of which shall contain the following information:
(1) The signature of the person submitting the form(s), unless the submission is done electronically with a secure password on the City of Brooklyn website;
(2) The complete address of the residence, house, apartment or other dwelling to be removed from each registry;
(3) The date the form was completed; and
(4) A statement that the residence, house, apartment or other dwelling be removed from the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" and/or the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry".
(d) The decision whether to place a residence, house, apartment or other dwelling on the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" and/or the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry" shall be solely that of the lawful possessor and occupant thereof and no official, agent or employee of the City of Brooklyn shall interfere with said decision.
(e) A residence, house, apartment or other dwelling, after being lawfully placed on the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" and/or the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry" shall remain on said registry until the earliest of any of the following:
(1) The City receives a Notice of Removal pursuant to subsection (c) hereof;
(2) The City receives notice that the person who submitted the form pursuant to subsection (b) hereof is not or is no longer a lawful possessor and occupant of the premises; or
(3) The expiration of five calendar years, expiring on December 31st, from the date of the form submitted pursuant to subsection (b) hereof.
(f) A copy of the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" and a copy of the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry" shall be made available for public inspection at all times during normal business hours at the office of the Director of Public Safety.
(g) Not withstanding any other provision of this chapter, no peddler, while peddling, shall call upon, knock at the door or ring the doorbell of any residence, house, apartment or other dwelling in the City which is at that time on the "Peddlers Do Not Call Registry" established and maintained pursuant to this Chapter or upon which there is posted at the entrance a notice which reads "No Peddlers Allowed", or other words of similar import, which clearly prohibit peddlers on the premises, unless such peddler has previously been invited upon the premises by the lawful possessor and occupant thereof.
(h) Not withstanding any other provision of this chapter, no solicitor, while soliciting, shall call upon, knock at the door or ring the doorbell of any residence, house, apartment or other dwelling in the City which is at that time on the "Solicitors Do Not Call Registry" established and maintained pursuant to this Chapter or upon which there is posted at the entrance a notice which reads "No Solicitors Allowed", or other words of similar import, which clearly prohibit solicitors on the premises, unless such solicitor has previously been invited upon the premises by the lawful possessor and occupant thereof.
(Ord. 2017-54. Passed 6-12-17.)
The provisions of Sections 737.02, 737.03, 737.04, 737.05, 737.06, 737.07, 737.09(g) and 737.09(h) shall not apply to a duly authorized person peddling or soliciting on behalf of any recognized nonprofit, educational, civic, religious, political or charitable organization, in which case the peddler or solicitor shall nevertheless register with the Police Chief, stating the name of the organization, the nature of the activity being conducted, and the duration of such activity, and shall furnish any other information deemed necessary by the Chief Police in order to enforce the provisions of this chapter; or the solicitation by a newspaper carrier of customers for a newspaper which he or she regularly delivers or shall regularly deliver.
(Ord. 2017-54. Passed 6-12-17.)