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Brea Overview
Brea City Code
Brea, California City Code
   20.08.010   Lot area and dimensions
   20.08.020   Yards
   20.08.030   Outdoor living space
   20.08.035   Small lot development standards
   20.08.040   Off-street parking and loading
   20.08.050   Transportation demand management requirements
   20.08.060   Corner cut-off areas
   20.08.070   Utility service lines — underground
   Appendix:   Parking standards; Diagrams A through F
   A.   Area accepted as the required area. The minimum area and/or dimensions of a lot or parcel of land shall not be less than the minimum area and dimensions indicated by the zoning symbol except under the following special conditions:
      1.   Subdivision. Lots which are substandard in area and/or dimension created by recorded subdivision prior to establishment of the zone shall be accepted as conforming subject to all other development standards of the zone and, shall not be reduced below the area or dimensions set forth on the recorded map.
      2.   Any lot which is substandard in area and/or dimension and which is of record prior to the adoption of this zoning code shall be accepted as conforming subject to all other development standards of the zone and shall not be reduced below the area or dimensions set forth on the recorded map.
   B.   Required area and/or dimensions reduced by public use. Where a lot or parcel of land has its area and/or dimensions(s) reduced by yielding land for public use in any manner including, but not limited to, dedication, condemnation or purchase, the gross area prior to said reduction may be used in calculations of density. The remaining lot or parcel of land shall be accepted as a conforming lot provided that the area and/or dimensions are not reduced below eighty percent (80%) of the minimum requirements of the zone.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68)
§ 20.08.020 YARDS.
   A.   General conditions.
      1.   Yards shall be measured perpendicular to the property line or from a future street or highway line as shown on the General Plan or established as a special setback provision of this title.
      2.   Yard provisions shall apply to both main and accessory structures unless otherwise specified.
      3.   Required yard or other open space around an existing building or any building hereafter erected shall not be considered as providing a yard or other open space for any other building on an adjoining lot or building site.
   B.   Permitted projections into required yards.
      1.   Landscape architectural features, including uncovered patios, open air grills, fountains, sculptures, and similar features, and guard railings for safety protection around depressed ramps may be located in any front or side yard, provided the height does not exceed thirty (30) inches and within any rear yard, provided the height does not exceed six (6) feet. Swimming pool equipment or similar mechanical equipment may be located within the rear yard area, provided it is a minimum of five (5) feet from any property line and is screened from view of adjoining properties. The combined coverage by the main building, accessory buildings and accessory features and equipment shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the required rear yard area.
      2.   Fire escapes may extend or project into any yard not more than four (4) feet, provided, however, that the yard shall not be reduced to less than three (3) feet in clear width.
      3.   Cornices, canopies, eaves, belt courses, sills, and other similar architectural features may extend or project into a required front yard not more than four (4) feet, and may extend into a required side yard on the street side of a corner or reversed corner lot or rear yard not more than six (6) inches for each foot of required yard width.
      4.   Uncovered porches, platforms, or landing places which do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building may extend into any front yard a distance of not more than twenty percent (20%) of such front yard, and in no instance more than five (5) feet and may extend into rear yard of side yard on street side of a corner or reversed corner lot not more than four (4) feet. An openwork railing may be installed or constructed on any such porch, platform or landing place provided it does not exceed thirty (30) inches in height.
      5.   Open, unenclosed stairways or balconies not covered by a roof or canopy may extend or project into a required front yard not more than four (4) feet.
      6.   No projections shall be permitted into any required side yard except that a fireplace may extend not more than six (6) inches and eaves may extend not more than eighteen (18) inches into said required yard.
      7.   Accessory recreational uses, such as outdoor tennis courts shall be permitted within the rear yard area, subject to the provisions of § 20.408.040 of this title and the following performance standards:
         a.   Fencing shall be open work (not less than ninety percent (90%) open) and shall be a maximum of twelve (12) feet in height. Translucent backdrops or windscreens may be attached to such fencing.
         b.   Lighting shall be mounted a maximum of ten (10) feet above court level and designed so as to confine direct rays to the court. Lighting shall be operative only between the hours of dusk to 11:00 p.m.
         c.   Said courts shall not be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any existing dwelling on adjacent property.
   C.   Yard requirements - special conditions. Churches, schools, institutions or other similar uses when permitted in any R Zone shall be located not less than twenty (20) feet from all common property lines not less than fifty (50) feet from the front property line and not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any side property line on a street.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68; Am. Ord. 616, passed 2-1-77; Am. Ord. 965, passed 4-4-95)
   The following provisions shall apply to the outdoor living space required in residential zones:
   A.   Required outdoor living space may include those portions of the side and rear yards which are contiguous with and designed as an integral part of the common area and are usable. The front yard shall not, however, be considered in calculating required outdoor living space.
      1.   Single family. The required outdoor living space provided for single family dwelling shall be a single common area with a minimum dimension of twenty-five (25) feet.
      2.   Two (2) family. The outdoor living space may be provided in two (2) private areas with a minimum dimension of fifteen (15) feet.
      3.   Multiple family, three (3) units and more. Not more than fifty percent (50%) of the total required outdoor living space serving a multiple family development shall be provided in a common area with a minimum dimension of twenty-five (25) feet. The remaining outdoor living space requirement may be provided in private spaces on or above ground level (balconies, roof tops). Individual areas shall not be less than one hundred (100) feet in area and the minimum dimension shall not be less than eight (8) feet.
   B.   Elements excluded. The following elements shall not constitute outdoor living space and shall not be included in calculating the required space:
      1.   Driveways and parking spaces for vehicles.
      2.   Covered pedestrian access ways.
      3.   Utility areas, drying yards and areas for storage of trash.
   C.   Elements included. The following elements may be constituted as outdoor living space and included in calculating the required space:
      1.   Swimming pools and pool decks.
      2.   Paved recreation areas.
      3.   Landscaped area, garden, etc.
      4.   Uncovered patios and balconies.
   The following development standards apply to residential developments with lot sizes less than 5,000 square feet which are approved through Development Agreements or other specific review and do not otherwise have prescribed development standards.
   A.   Uses expressly prohibited. All uses as set forth is § 20.212.030 of this title.
   B.   Minimum dwelling unit area. Each dwelling unit shall have a livable gross floor area of not less than one thousand (1,000) square feet. Computation of gross floor area shall not include the garage square footage.
   C.   Setbacks. The following minimum standards shall apply:
      1.   The minimum building setback for residential units having side yards on a public or private street shall be eight (8) feet from the property line.
      2.   The minimum building setback for residential units fronting either on a private street, a public street, or a pedestrian access paseo shall be eight (8) feet from the property line.
      3.   The minimum rear and side yard setbacks shall be three (3) feet from the property line.
      4.   All setbacks not addressed in this section shall be as reviewed and interpreted by the City Planner.
   D.   Projections into required yards. Architectural features and projections which are part of the dwelling unit such as eaves, cornices, awnings, chimneys, rain gutters and other similar features may project into setback areas one (1) foot. Projection issues not addressed by this Section shall be as reviewed and interpreted by the City Planner.
   E.   Room additions and expansions. Proposed room additions and expansions to the main building shall be subject to Plan Review procedures as set forth in § 20.408.040 of the Brea Zoning Ordinance. The Plan Review procedures shall be used to determine that any proposed room addition or expansion to the main building complies with the standards described herein.
   F.   Accessory structures. Accessory structures incidental to single family detached dwelling units are permitted. These structures include patios, gazebos, arbors, trellis work and other similar structures. The minimum standards for open accessory structures are as follows:
      1.   All open accessory structures shall maintain a minimum setback of three (3) feet from all property lines. No projections shall extend into this three foot setback.
      2.   All accessory structures detached from the main building shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
      3.   Setbacks for covered structures shall follow the building setback requirements. For the purpose of this Section, a covered structure shall be defined as "being less than fifty (50) percent open free and clear to the sky."
   G.   Lot coverage. Each lot shall have a maximum building coverage of sixty (60) percent.
      1.   The dwelling unit, garage, plus any additions and expansions, covered patios, and balconies shall be calculated as lot coverage.
      2.   Open patios, ground level decks, terraces, trellis work and other similar structures intended for outdoor living shall not be included in the lot coverage requirement.
   H.   Property maintenance. The property shall be maintained as required in § 20.208.040E.1.b., 2.c.,and 3.b.of this title.
(Ord. 998, passed 9-2-97)
   A.   Intent and purpose. These regulations are established to provide for on-site maneuvering and parking of motor vehicles that are attached to and generated by land uses within the city. The parking requirements contained herein are assumed to be minimums only. It is the responsibility of the developer, owner or operator of any specific use to provide adequate off-street parking and maneuvering facilities. The following requirements are designed to lessen traffic congestion and contribute to public safety by providing sufficient on-site parking facilities.
   B.   General requirements.
      1.   Application.
         a.   These standards shall apply when:
            (1)   A main building is constructed.
            (2)   An existing building is enlarged for any purpose.
            (3)   The occupancy or use of any premises is changed to a different use or occupancy.
         b.   Parking (or additional parking) to meet the requirements of this section shall be provided for:
            (1)   An existing building that is enlarged.
            (2)   When the category of use listed in paragraph D. of this section is changed to a different category of use.
         c.   Where insufficient parking is serving a building or use existing at the time this zoning code became effective, said building may be enlarged only if adequate parking is provided for the total building in accordance with the requirements of this section. If the category of use is listed in paragraph D. of this section, changes to a category of use which requires more parking stalls, additional parking stalls must be provided meeting all requirements of this section.
      2.   Location.
         a.   All required parking spaces and garages shall be located on the same lot, or the same building site in the case of a shopping center. Where a parking lot owned by the city is located within four hundred (400) feet of the front door or main entry of the building, parking requirements listed in paragraph D. of this section may be reduced as determined by the Development Services Director.
         b.   All required parking spaces shall be located not more than two hundred (200) feet from the building or use to be served. Buildings with floor area in excess of ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall be exempt from this requirement except that all required parking shall be located on the same or contiguous lots.
         c.   All required parking spaces for individual tenants of shopping centers, shall have his or her required parking within a two hundred (200) foot radius of the main entrance. Parking immediately in front of a tenant space, if not required for fire access, may be reserved for customers of that tenant.
      3.   Computation of required parking. Whenever the computation of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this section results in a fractional parking space, one (1) additional parking space shall be required for one-half (½) or more fractional parking space, and any fractional space less than one-half (½) of a parking space shall not be counted.
         a.   All access to a parking area from a public street, alley or highway shall be designed so that motor vehicles leaving the driveway or parking area will enter the highway traveling in a forward direction. This shall not apply to single family subdivisions, or multiple family residential properties serving four (4) units or less.
         b.   The parking area shall be designed so that a vehicle within the parking area will not have to enter a public street to move from one location to any other location within the parking area.
         c.   Vehicular access to arterial streets and highways will be permitted only in accordance with driveway locations and access design to be approved by the Traffic Engineer of the city.
      4.   Surfacing. All parking spaces, driveways, and maneuvering areas shall be paved and permanently maintained with asphaltic concrete or cement concrete, with a structural section to be approved by the City Engineer.
      5.   Striping. All parking stalls and directional arrows and instructions shall be delineated with paint, as required by the Traffic Engineer.
   C.   Design.
      1.   Maximum grades permitted.
         a.   Entrance - four (4) or less dwelling units. The driveway or accessway shall have a maximum grade of plus fifteen percent (+15%) or minus six percent (-6%) measured along the driveway centerline, for a distance of not less than twenty (20) feet from the ultimate right-of-way line of the street or alley.
         b.   Entrance - five (5) or more dwelling units, industrial, commercial, office and parking areas serving buildings or recreation areas owned or operated by any governmental agency. The driveway or accessway shall have a maximum grade of plus fifteen percent (+15%) or minus two percent (-2%), measured along the driveway centerline, for a distance not less than twenty (20) feet from the ultimate right-of-way line of the street or alley.
         c.   Parking spaces. All parking spaces and abutting access aisle shall have a maximum grade of five percent (5%), measured in any direction.
         d.   Interior driveways. Ramps or driveways within the interior of a parking area (beyond twenty (20) feet from ultimate right-of-way line) shall have a maximum grade of twenty percent (20%). If such a ramp or driveway exceeds ten percent (10%), the ramp or driveway design shall include transitions (at each end of the ramp) not less than eight (8) feet in length, having a slope equal to one-half (½) the ramp or driveway slope.
      2.   Parking spaces.
         a.   All parking stalls shall be double or “hairpin” striped. (Please see Diagram “A” in the Appendix following this chapter.)
         b.   Sizes.
            (1)    Perpendicular or angular stalls.
               (a)   Residential.
                  (i)    Covered - ten (10) feet wide by twenty (20) feet long (interior clear dimension to be nine (9) feet wide by nineteen (19) feet long), minimum seven (7) feet height clearance.
                  (ii)   Uncovered - nine (9) feet wide by nineteen (19) feet long.
               (b)    Commercial and office uses and community facilities. Nine and one-half (9½) feet wide by nineteen (19) feet long, minimum eight (8) feet height clearance.
               (c)    Industrial uses. Nine (9) feet wide by nineteen (19) feet long.
            (2)   Parallel stalls. Eight (8) feet wide by twenty-three (23) feet long.
            (3)    Handicapped stalls. Nine (9) feet wide by nineteen (19) feet long with a minimum five (5) foot ramp at the side and front of the stall.
            (4)   Compact stalls shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide by sixteen (16) feet long.
               (a)    Compact stalls may be permitted in multiple family residential projects of five (5) or more units in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph C.
               (b)    Compact stalls may be permitted in commercial and industrial projects requiring a minimum of forty (40) parking spaces in accordance with the following conditions:
                  (i)    A maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of the required number of parking spaces may be compact stalls.
                  (ii)   The maximum number of compact parking stalls may be increased upon approval of a conditional use permit, but in no event shall the number of compact stalls exceed thirty percent (30%).
                  (iii)   Each compact stall approved hereunder shall be individually designated as a compact stall per the City of Brea Public Works Standards.
               (c)   All parking areas containing compact stalls shall be approved by the Development Services Director and the City Traffic Engineer.
            (5)    Overhang. Parking stall lengths, except parallel spaces, may be reduced by two (2) feet [seventeen (17) feet for standard size stalls; fourteen (14) feet for compact stalls] where the front of the parking stall abuts a landscaped area or sidewalk which is a minimum of four (4) feet clear. Such landscape area shall be enclosed with a minimum of six (6) inch high curb and no trees or shrubs shall be planted in the two (2) foot reduced area.
            (6)   Parking for electric vehicle charging. Parking stalls for electric vehicle charging shall comply with the residential, commercial, industrial, handicapped, and/or compact stall minimum dimensions identified in this chapter and consistent with Chapter 14.08 of this Code.
         c.   Locations.
            (1)   The point of exit or entry from any off-street parking space shall not be closer than fifteen (15) feet from the ultimate right-of-way line of a street and five (5) feet in the case of an alley.
            (2)   Industrially zoned facilities on arterial streets and commercially zoned facilities providing parking for fifty (50) or more vehicles shall be designed with access driveways which shall not be intersected by a parking aisle, parking space, or another access driveway for a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet from the street right-of-way line. (Please see Diagram “C” in the Appendix following this chapter.)
            (3)   Required off-street parking in residential zones shall not be provided in areas required for ingress and egress to other parking spaces; no tandem parking is permitted, except with properties associated with an accessory dwelling unit pursuant to the standards as set forth in Section 20.208.040 of this title.
            (4)   Off-street parking spaces when located below living quarters shall be provided in garages.
      3.   Driveways and parking aisles.
         a.   Driveway approaches (curb cuts).
            (1)   Residential.
               (a)   One way - sixteen (16) feet minimum, twenty-four (24) feet maximum.
               (b)   Two way - twenty-four (24) feet minimum, forty (40) feet maximum.
            (2)   Commercial/Office/Industrial. Refer to City of Brea Public Works Standards 210-A.
         b.   Access driveways. Access driveways shall have a minimum width of twenty-eight (28) feet. Access driveways are defined as those that provide access into and through a parking area from a street access point providing access to the parking aisles, and those driveways providing interior circulation between parking areas. (Please see Diagram “C” in the Appendix following this chapter.)
         c.   Parking aisles. Parking aisles are defined as driveways which have parking spaces taking access from either or both sides and which are intended primarily to provide direct access to parking spaces. Parking aisles shall be designed in accordance with Diagrams “A” and “B” in the Appendix following this chapter.
      4.   Screening. Open parking spaces and parking structures shall be screened with a solid wall, mounded landscaping or evergreen shrubs of not less than three (3) feet nor more than three and one-half (3½) feet in height whenever such parking is adjacent to a street right-of-way. Walls shall be located adjacent to the inside edge of any required boundary landscaping and to the outside edge of the paved parking area when there is no landscaping. When evergreen shrubs are used as a screen they shall be planted in quantity and location so as to form a screen which is a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) opaque within eighteen (18) months after installation. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain such shrubbery so that it does not exceed three and one-half (3½) feet in height, nor encroach into limited use areas outlined in § 20.08.060 of this chapter.
      5.   Lighting.
         a.   All off-street parking areas within commercially zoned projects shall be provided with exterior lighting meeting the following minimums:
            (1)   The equivalent of one (1) foot candle of illumination shall be maintained on the average throughout the parking area.
            (2)   All lighting shall be on a time-clock or photo-sensor system.
            (3)   All lighting shall be designed to confine direct rays to the premises. No spillover beyond the property line shall be permitted.
            (4)   Parking lot luminaries shall be high pressure sodium vapor with ninety degree (90°) horizontal cut-off flat lenses.
         b.   All off-street parking areas within industrially zoned areas shall meet all standards in paragraph C.5.a. of this section, except that the equivalent of three fourths (0.75) foot candle of illumination shall be maintained on the average throughout the parking area.
   D.   Parking space requirements. All land uses shall provide off-street parking in conformity with the requirements listed in Table 20.080.040.D, unless otherwise modified by the provisions contained herein. The term floor area used in the Table 20.080.040.D shall mean gross floor area.
Minimum Parking Stalls Required
Minimum Parking Stalls Required
Accessory dwelling unit
1 space required, which may be provided as tandem parking, including on a paved driveway; however, no parking shall be required if the accessory dwelling unit meets any of the following criteria:
- The accessory dwelling unit is located within mile walking distance of, and has a path of travel that is always publicly accessible to, Public Transit. The mile distance shall be measured on actual walking routes between the Accessory Dwelling Unit and the public transit, rather than a straight line between points;
- The accessory dwelling is located within an architecturally and historically significant district;
- The accessory dwelling is part of the proposed or existing primary residence, or within, or part of, an existing accessory building;
- When on-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of the accessory dwelling; or
- When there is a car-share vehicle located within one (1) block of the accessory dwelling unit.
Note: (1) When a garage, carport, or covered parking structure is demolished or converted in conjunction with the construction of an accessory dwelling unit, any off-street parking spaces that were provided by such garage, carport, or covered parking structure are not required to be replaced.
Accessory dwelling unit, junior
None required
Accessory buildings and structures
None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
Caretakers unit
1 space per unit
Community care facility, small
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the use occupies.
Dwelling, multi-family
- Studio units: 1.5 spaces per unit, of which 1 space shall be located within a garage or a carport.
- 1-bedroom units: 1.75 spaces per unit, of which 1 space shall be located within a garage or a carport.
- 2-bedroom units: 2 spaces per unit, of which 1 space shall be located within a garage or a carport.
- 3-bedroom and larger units: 2.5 spaces per unit plus 0.5 spaces for each bedroom in excess of 3, of which 2 spaces shall be located within a garage or a carport.
- Guest spaces: If the development consists of 5 or more units, 0.2 covered or uncovered guest parking space shall be provided per unit, in addition to the required number of parking spaces for each unit. A maximum of 25% of the required guest spaces may be of compact stalls.
Dwelling, single-family attached
2 covered parking spaces for each unit plus 0.5 covered or uncovered parking spaces for each dwelling unit for guest spaces.
Dwelling, single-family detached
2 covered parking spaces for each unit.
Employee housing
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the use occupies.
Fraternity/sorority house
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the use occupies.
Home occupations
None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
Live/work units
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the use occupies.
Mobile home parks
Same requirements as Dwelling, Multi-Family.
Room rental
None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
Planned residential unit development
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the development proposes
Senior living facility, small
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the use occupies.
Supportive housing
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the use occupies.
Transitional housing
Subject to the same parking requirement applicable to the residential dwelling unit of the same type in the same zone that the use occupies.
Two-unit development
1 covered parking space per unit required; however, no parking shall be required if the development meets any of the following criteria:
- The unit is located within mile walking distance of either a high-quality transit corridor, as defined in 21155(b) of the Cal. Public Resources Code, or a major transit stop, as defined in 21064.3 of the Cal. Public Resources Code. The mile distance shall be measured on actual walking routes between the unit and the high-quality transit corridor or a major transit stop, rather than a straight line between points;
- When there is a car-share vehicle located within one (1) block of the development.
Accessory buildings and structures
None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
Adult entertainment business
1 space per 75 square feet of floor area up to 6,000 square feet plus 1 space per 55 square feet over 6,000 square feet, or 1 space per 3 seats, whichever is greater.
Agriculture, industrial
1 space per 2 acres of area used for agricultural operation plus required spaces for any additional accessory uses, as required by this Chapter.
Agriculture, limited
- If accessory to a primary residential use: None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
- As a primary use: 2 spaces
Agriculture, major
- Agricultural Operation: 1 space for each employee during the largest shift plus 1 space per motor vehicle used in conjunction with the use.
- Accessory Retail (e.g. roadside stands): 1 space per 200 square feet of the retail area
Agriculture, minor
- Agricultural Operation: 1 space for each employee during the largest shift plus 1 space per motor vehicle used in conjunction with the use.
- Accessory Retail (e.g. roadside stands): 1 space per 200 square feet of the retail area
Alcoholic beverage sale, off-sale
None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
Alcoholic beverage sale, on-sale
None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
Alcoholic beverages manufacturing
- Manufacturing: 1 space per 500 square feet of floor area, which may include a maximum of 10% office space, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area that is in excess of 10%
- Tasting or Tap Room and outside patios: 1 space per 35 square feet of floor area.
Ambulance service
1 space per 250 square feet plus 1 space for each ambulances/emergency vehicle.
Animals, daycares
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 10 animals
Animals, grooming
1 space per 250 square feet
Animals, stable
1 space for every 5 horses kept on the premises plus the required spaces for any additional accessory uses, as required by this Chapter
Animals, ranch
1 space per 2 acres of area used for grazing plus required spaces for any additional accessory uses, as required by this Chapter.
Animals, boarding/kennel (commercial)
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 10 animals.
Animals, boarding/kennel (noncommercial)
None required, except the spaces required for the underlying use.
Animals, grooming and daycares
1 space per 250 square feet.
Animals, veterinary clinic/hospital
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Auditoriums and meeting places
1 space per 3 fixed seats or 1 space per 35 square feet of the assembly areas without fixed seats.
Automated teller machines
2 spaces per machine.
Notes: (1) No parking spaces are required when located on the exterior building wall of an existing business use, within the interior of any other type of business establishment, or when free-standing machines are located on properties developed with other retail or office uses.
(2) No parking spaces are required for drive-up facilities.
Automotive, washing and detailing
Parking demand study required
Automotive, parking lots/structures
None required
Automotive, parts/supply sales
1 space per 200 square feet.
Automotive, rental
1 space per 250 square feet.
Automotive, repair (major)
1 space per 250 square feet.
Automotive, repair (minor)
1 space per 250 square feet.
Automotive, sales and leasing
1 space per 400 square feet.
Automotive, sales and leasing (limited)
1 space per 250 square feet.
Automotive, service stations
5 spaces plus 1 additional space for each service bay, if any.
Automotive, towing service
1 space per 250 square feet plus 1 space for each tow-truck to be parked at the site.
Automotive, recharging facilities
1 space per charging station
Bars and nightclubs
1 space per 7 square feet of dance floor area plus 1 per 35 square feet of assembly area.
Boarding house
1 space per bedroom, 1 space per each nonresident employee, plus1 guest space. For purposes of this provision, "bedroom" means any room designed, intended or primarily used for sleeping purposes.
Borrow pit
Requires parking demand study.
Catering services
1 space per 250 square feet plus 1 space for each catering/food truck.
Requires parking demand study.
Clubs and lodges
1 space per 75 square feet.
Community care facilities, large
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Community facilities, public
1 space per 300 square feet
Computer internet facilities
1 space per 200 square feet.
Convalescent and rest homes
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Convenience stores and mini markets
1 space per 200 square feet.
Day care centers
1 space per 200 square feet of floor area designated for office and classroom use.
Drive-through facilities
None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use.
(1) A use with a drive-through facility may include stacking credit for drive-through window on the basis of 1 car for every 23 lineal feet of striped stacking lanes. A maximum credit not to exceed 30% of the total required parking for the site or no more than 20 spaces for stacked credit, whichever is less.
(2) Drive through lanes for a non-restaurant use shall provide a minimum of 115 feet per lane for required stacking space, as measured from the pick-up window, for each drive through lane.
(3) Drive through lanes for any restaurant use, including a Drive-In, shall provide a minimum of 160 feet of stacking space, as measured from the pick-up window, for each drive through lane.
Educational institution, general
- 8th grade or lower: 1 space per classroom, plus 1 space per non-office employee, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office use, plus parking required for assembly halls and auditoriums (see Auditoriums and Meeting Halls).
- 9th grade or higher: 1 space per non-office employee, plus 1 space per 6 students, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office use, plus parking required for assembly halls and auditoriums (see Auditoriums and Meeting Halls).
Educational institution, trade
1 space per 35 square feet of floor area designated for instruction plus 1 space per 250 square feet of floor area designated for office use.
Educational institution, tutoring
1 space per 250 square feet.
Emergency shelter
1 space per staff member
Financial institution
1 space per 200 square feet
Garden centers and nurseries
1 space per 200 square feet.
Golf course
8 spaces per hole, 1 space per tee for driving ranges (if any), and required spaces for additional accessory uses (e.g. restaurant, bar, offices, etc.), as required by this Chapter.
Government facilities
1 space per 250 square feet.
Hazardous waste facility
Parking demand study required
Health/fitness center
1 space per 150 square feet
Helipads and heliports
Parking demand study required
1 space per guest unit.
Industrial, limited
- Wholesale: 1 space per 1,000 square feet, which may include up to 10% office space, 1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area that is in excess of 10%, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of sales area
- Others: 1 space per 500 square feet, which may include up to 10% office space, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area that is in excess of 10%.
Industrial, major
- Warehouse/Storage/Wholesale: 1 space per 1,000 square feet, which may include up to 10% office space, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area that is in excess of 10%.
- Others: 1 space per 500 square feet, which may include up to 10% office space plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area that is in excess of 10%.
Industrial, minor
- Warehouse/Storage/Wholesale: 1 space per 1,000 square feet, which may include up to 10% office space, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area that is in excess of 10%.
- Others: 1 space per 500 square feet, which may include up to 10% office space plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office floor area that is in excess of 10%.
Industrial, outdoor operations
1 space per 500 square feet of lot area devoted to outdoor use, excluding parking areas and vehicular accessways, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of floor area for enclosed spaces used for administrative purposes (e.g. offices, employee lounge, etc.).
Industrial, outdoor storage yards
1 space per 3,000 square feet of lot area
Liquor stores
1 space per 200 square feet.
Markets, large
1 space per 200 square feet
Massage establishments
1 space per 250 square feet
Medical services, clinics/offices
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Medical services, equipment/laboratories
1 space per 250 square feet.
Medical services, hospitals
1.75 spaces per bed.
1 space per 3 fixed seats or 1 space per 25 square feet of assembly area, where there are no fixed seats.
1 space per guest unit.
Offices, administrative & professional
1 space per 250 square feet.
Oil and hydrocarbon activities
2 spaces per well
Parks, public
As determined by the City Planner
Personal services, general
1 space per 250 square feet
Personal services, limited
1 space per 250 square feet
Pharmacies/drug stores
1 space per 200 square feet
Reception hall
Requires a parking demand study
Recreation, indoor
- Bowling Alleys: 4 spaces per lane
- Billiard Halls: 2 spaces per table
- Racquetball/Tennis: 3 spaces per court
- Swimming Pools: 1 space per 500 square feet
- Skating rinks (ice/roller): 1 space per 100 square feet
- Other uses: Requires parking demand study
Note: (1) If an indoor recreation facility has other uses (e.g. restaurant, bar, etc.), spaces required for those additional uses shall also be required.
Recreation, open space
None required
Recreation, outdoor
- Golf - Driving Range Only: 1 space per tee
- Golf - Miniature Golf Course: 3 spaces per hole
- Tennis: 3 spaces per court
- Other uses: Requires parking demand study
Note: (1) If an outdoor recreation facility has other uses (e.g. restaurant, bar, etc.), spaces required for those additional uses shall also be required.
Recycling facilities, consumer
- 500 square feet or smaller: None required, except for the spaces required for the underlying use. However, such facility shall not occupy more than 5 existing parking spaces.
- Larger than 500 square feet: Parking demand study required.
Recycling facilities, processing
1 space per 500 square feet, which may include up to 10% office space, plus 1 space per 250 square feet of office space in excess of 10%.
Religious assembly
1 space per 3 fixed seats or 1 space per 35 square feet of the assembly areas with no fixed seats. A Religious Assembly facility with 300 seats or above shall require a parking study.
Notes: (1) Every 18 inches of bench shall be considered as a fixed seat.
(2) Any off-site parking, if proposed, shall be within 1,000 feet of the site it serves, as measured from closest property line.
Repair services, major
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area for first 100,000 square feet, plus 4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area over 100,000 square feet.
Repair services, minor
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area for first 100,000 square feet, plus 4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area over 100,000 square feet.
Research and development
1 space per 250 square feet
Restaurants, drive-in
Same requirements as Restaurants, Sit Down. Also subject to the minimum stacking requirements as specified under Drive-Through Facilities requirements.
Restaurants, quick service
Same requirements as Restaurants, Sit Down
Restaurants, sit down
- Indoor: Minimum of 10 spaces; or 1 space per 75 square feet of floor area up to 6,000 square feet, plus 1 space per 55 square feet over 6,000 square feet, or 1 space per 3 seats, whichever is greater.
- Accessory outdoor dining/seating areas: No additional parking spaces required for if the outdoor dining/seating area is smaller than 300 square feet or has less than 20 seats. For outdoor dining/seating areas that is not exempt from additional parking, 1 space per 75 square feet of area over 300 square feet or 1 spacer per 3 seats over 20 seats, whichever is greater.
Note: (1) If a restaurant only consists of an outdoor dining/seating area, parking requirements applicable to indoor space shall apply to such outdoor dining/seating area.
Restaurants, specialty
Same requirements as Restaurants, Sit Down
Retail sales, general
1 space per 200 square feet
Retail sales, outdoor
1 space per 200 square feet
Retail sales, warehouse stores
1 space per 200 square feet
Salvage yard
1 space per 3,000 square feet of the parcel where the use is located
Senior living facility, large
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Shopping center
5.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
Stadiums and sports arena complexes
Requires a parking demand study
Studios, instruction/service
1 space per 250 square feet or based on a parking demand study.
Entertainment venues
1 space per 3 fixed seats or 1 space per 35 square feet of the assembly areas without fixed seats.
Transit facilities
Requires a parking demand study
- Manned Facilities: Requires parking demand study
- Un-manned facilities: None required
Wireless communication facilities, major
None required
Wireless communication facilities, minor
None required
   E.   Truck loading and maneuvering area.
      1.   All industrial and commercially zoned developments shall be designed so as to prevent truck back-up maneuvering within public right-of-way.
      2.   a.   All industrial and commercially zoned developments designed with dock high approaches and/or truck wells shall be provided with at least one (1) back-up area to said dock or well in accordance with the below schedule. The driveway aisle between parking stalls may be used for said approach provided the forty-eight (48) foot wheel track turning radius is maintained, as outlined in Diagrams “E” and “F” in the Appendix following this chapter.
Berth or Aisle Width (feet)
Dock Approach (feet)
         b.   The dock approach may not be encumbered by parking stalls or physical obstructions and shall be measured perpendicular to the dock or door as shown in accompanying Diagram “E” in the Appendix following this chapter. The minimum dock or door overhead clearance (excluding pipes, lights, etc.) is twelve (12) feet.
      3.   Unless otherwise provided for in paragraph E.2. above, all commercial and industrially zoned buildings must provide at least one (1) identified loading area (twelve (12) feet by twenty (20) feet with ramp). Access to said loading area must be designed as a minimum to provide a forty-eight (48) foot wheel track turning radius for a fifty-five (55) foot long semitrailer truck maneuvering, in accordance with Diagram “F” in the Appendix following this chapter. Parking aisles and access driveways adjacent to loading doors without dock high approaches or truck wells shall have a minimum width of eight (8) feet plus the aisle width required in Diagram “B” in the Appendix following this chapter, except for ninety degree (90°) parking in which the parking aisle shall be thirty-two (32) feet minimum. Designated fire lanes shall provide fire ladder truck maneuvering in accordance with Diagram “G” in the Appendix following this chapter.
      4.   All developments zoned commercial and industrial shall be designed with the following:
         a.   At least one (1) driveway approach capable of accommodating a forty-eight (48) foot wheel track turning radius. (Please see accompanying Diagram “D” in the Appendix following this chapter.)
         b.   At least one (1) on-site maneuvering area which provides a forty-eight (48) foot turning radius wheel track through the parking area. (Please see accompanying Diagram “E” in the Appendix following this chapter.)
         c.   All loading doors shall not be visible from a public street.
   F.   Valet parking operations. Any person wishing to operate valet parking services shall obtain approval of a Minor Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of § 20.408.030 of this title.
      1.   All requests for valet parking must be accompanied by a Valet Parking Management Plan that demonstrates that the service will not result in insufficient or inadequate parking for the site by providing, at minimum, the following information:
         a.   The business name, address, and location of service;
         b.   The valet parking area and proposed number of parking spaces;
         c.   The number of employees and hours of operation;
         d.   The proposed routes of vehicle and pedestrian travel, pick-up and unloading areas;
         e.   The location of proposed signs and associated equipment; and
         f.   Parking analysis for all businesses located on the property, if located within a larger shopping center.
   G.   Exceptions or modifications to off-street parking requirements. An exception to or modification of the off-street parking requirements of this section may be granted to avoid circumstances where they might be excessive due to the use involved or other relevant circumstances, but only if such exemption or modification is consistent with the intent and purpose of this section.
      1.   Exceptions or modifications for multi-family developments require approval of a minor modification in accordance with the provisions of § 20.408.020 of this title. Pursuant to § 20.408.020.B.2., such requests shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director.
         a.   Notice of decision shall be sent by first class mail or delivered by a city employee to property owners within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property. Pursuant to Chapter 20.424, all decisions of the Director made under this provision of this title are appealable to the Planning Commission.
      2.   Exceptions or modifications for all projects that are not multi-family developments require approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of § 20.408.030 of this title.
      3.   All requests for an exception or modification must be accompanied by a Parking Demand Study prepared by a licensed professional that demonstrates approval of the exception or modification will not result in insufficient or inadequate parking and meets the following requirements:
         a.   The Parking Demand Study must at a minimum include: (1) the otherwise applicable parking requirements under § 20.08.040 of this title; (2) any otherwise applicable parking requirements under any entitlement, zoning requirement, or other approval previously approved by the City; (3) a comparative analysis of parking on the site with and without the requested exception or modification; and (4) a Parking Management Plan and/or Transportation Demand Management program, if deemed necessary by the Director.
         b.   A Parking Demand Study for a multi-family development may utilize the Urban Land Institute's Shared Parking methodology or any other reasonably similar methodology shown to be applicable if the project: (1) is either part of a mixed-use development or located in a mixed-use setting conducive to shared parking; and (2) incorporates both features that promote active transportation (e.g., walking and cycling) and convenient access to public transit.
   H.   Parking requirements not specified. In the event this section does not specify any parking space requirement for any specific use otherwise allowed under this title, the Director shall determine the parking requirements for such use.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68; Am. Ord. 707, passed 12-23-80; Am. Ord. 708, passed 1-20-81; Am. Ord. 720, passed 10-6-81; Am. Ord. 741, passed 6-21-83; Am. Ord. 782, passed 10-15-85; Am. Ord. 916, passed 2-18-92; Am. Ord. 965, passed 4-4-95; Am. Ord. 1092, passed 5-16-06; Am. Ord. 1128, passed 10-20-09; Am. Ord. 1154, passed 6-21-11; Am. Ord. 1203, passed 2-20-18; Am. Ord. 1222, passed 11-2-21; Am. Ord. 1241, passed 8-15-23; Am. Ord. 1247, passed 3-19-24; Am. Ord. 1250, passed 5-21-24)
   A.   The provisions of this section are intended to meet the requirements of Cal. Gov't Code § 65089(b)(3) which requires development of a trip-reduction and travel-demand element to the Congestion Management Plan, and Cal. Gov't Code § 65089.3(b) which requires adoption and implementation of Trip-Reduction and Travel-Demand Ordinance. New commercial, retail, office, manufacturing, industrial, mixed-use development including employment centers of fifty (50) persons or more may adversely impact existing transportation and parking facilities, resulting in increased motor vehicles emissions, deteriorating levels of service, and possibly significant additional capital expenditures to augment and improve the existing transportation system. In order to more efficiently utilize the existing and planned transportation system and to reduce vehicle emissions, it is the policy of the city to:
      1.   Promote and encourage the use of alternative transportation modes such as ridesharing, carpools, vanpools, public bus, rail transit, bicycles, and walking, as well as those facilities that support such modes.
      2.   Promote coordinated implementation of strategies on a countywide basis to reduce transportation demand.
      3.   Recommend and encourage membership in the North Orange County Transportation Management Association.
   B.   Applicability. For purposes of determining whether a new development project is subject to this section, the total employment figure will be determined as follows:
      1.   Employment projections developed by the project applicant, subject to approval by the city; or
      2.   Employment projections developed by the city, using the following employee generation factors by type of use.
Land Use Category
Gross Sq. Ft./Employee
Land Use Category
Gross Sq. Ft./Employee
*   The employment projection for a development of mixed- or multiple-uses shall be calculated on a case-by-case basis based upon the proportion of development devoted to each type of use.
   C.   Facility standards.
      1.   All applicable developments shall be reviewed to determine whether application of each of the facility standards specified in this section is appropriate. This determination, and any revisions to requirements within each standard, shall be made by the Development Services Director, or his or her designee, based upon review of the design characteristics and other features of the project as proposed in the site development plan. Improvements needed to meet those standards shall be incorporated into the site development plan.
      2.   Preferential parking for carpool/vanpool vehicles.
         a.   Using the specified percentages and dates below, employee parking spaces shall be reserved and designated for carpool or vanpool vehicles by marking such spaces “carpool only” or “vanpool only.”
      Eight percent (8%) until 1992
      Ten percent (10%) until 1994
      Twelve percent (12%) after 1994
         b.   The total number of employee parking spaces shall be determined using the following factors by type of use as specified in § 20.08.040.D. of this chapter.
Type of Use
Percent of Total Parking Devoted to Employee
Type of Use
Percent of Total Parking Devoted to Employee
-    Regional
-    Community
-    Neighborhood
         c.   Carpool spaces shall be used only by carpool vehicles in which at least two (2) of the persons are employees or tenants of the proposed project.
         d.   Vanpool spaces shall be used by vanpool vehicles serving the employees or tenants of the proposed project. The vanpool parking space shall be a minimum of nine and one-half (9½) feet wide and nineteen (19) feet long.
         e.   Where applicable, vanpool accessibility shall include a minimum of eight-foot vertical clearance for those parking spaces and ramps to be used by such vehicles.
         f.   Such carpool/vanpool spaces shall be located near the building's employee entrance(s) or at other preferential locations within the employee parking areas as approved by the Development Services Director, or his or her designee.
      3.   Bicycle parking, shower, and locker facilities.
         a.   Bicycle parking shall be provided in a secure location for use by employees or tenants who commute to the site by bicycle. The number of bicycle storage spaces shall be a minimum of five (5) bicycle storage spaces. Additional bicycle storage spaces shall be provided as needed.
         b.   Locker facilities shall be provided for tenants or employees who ride bicycles at the rate of at least two (2) lockers for every two hundred fifty (250) employees.
         c.   A minimum of two (2) shower facilities shall be provided, one (1) each for men and women, after two hundred fifty (250) employees. These facilities shall be available to all building employees.
         d.   These locker, shower, and bicycle storage facilities should be provided in a central location for use by the employees/tenants of the building(s).
      4.   Rideshare vehicle loading areas. The need for design and location of passenger loading areas to embark and disembark passengers from rideshare vehicles shall be reviewed by the Development Services Director, or his or her designee. Generally, the passenger loading areas shall be located as close as possible to the building's employee entrance(s), and should be designed in a manner that does not impede vehicular circulation in the parking area.
      5.   Bus stop improvements.
         a.   Bus stop improvements including bus pullouts, bus pads, and right-of-way for bus shelters shall be required for all applicable developments that are located along established bus routes.
         b.   Bus stop improvements shall be determined in conformance with standard traffic engineering principles including, but not limited to, the following:
            (1)   The frequency and relative impact of blocked traffic due to stopped buses.
            (2)   The level of transit ridership at the location.
      6.   Information on transportation alternatives.
         a.   A commuter information area shall be provided that offers employees appropriate information on available transportation alternatives to the single-occupancy vehicle. This area shall be centrally located and accessible to all employees or tenants.
         b.   Information in the area shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
            (1)   Current maps, routes, and schedules for public transit.
            (2)   Available employee incentives.
            (3)   Ridesharing promotional material.
   D.   Ordinance implementation and monitoring. Plan review.
      1.   During the plan review process for all site plans, compliance with facility standards as defined in this section shall be reviewed.
      2.   All facility standards required by this section shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits.
      3.   Periodic checks of the applicable developments shall be made after completion of the projects to ensure continued compliance with this section.
(Ord. 905, passed 5-21-91)