A.   Area accepted as the required area. The minimum area and/or dimensions of a lot or parcel of land shall not be less than the minimum area and dimensions indicated by the zoning symbol except under the following special conditions:
      1.   Subdivision. Lots which are substandard in area and/or dimension created by recorded subdivision prior to establishment of the zone shall be accepted as conforming subject to all other development standards of the zone and, shall not be reduced below the area or dimensions set forth on the recorded map.
      2.   Any lot which is substandard in area and/or dimension and which is of record prior to the adoption of this zoning code shall be accepted as conforming subject to all other development standards of the zone and shall not be reduced below the area or dimensions set forth on the recorded map.
   B.   Required area and/or dimensions reduced by public use. Where a lot or parcel of land has its area and/or dimensions(s) reduced by yielding land for public use in any manner including, but not limited to, dedication, condemnation or purchase, the gross area prior to said reduction may be used in calculations of density. The remaining lot or parcel of land shall be accepted as a conforming lot provided that the area and/or dimensions are not reduced below eighty percent (80%) of the minimum requirements of the zone.
(Ord. 425, passed 10-14-68)