Refuse collectors shall:
A. Provide an original and any replacement recyclable materials receptacle(s) to each customer. The receptacle(s) shall be a rigid plastic bin, container, or bucket or bag of sufficient strength to contain the recyclable materials and/or green waste, shall be approved by the City Council, and not cause health or safety hazards to customers or refuse collector personnel. The receptacle(s) shall be provided without charge and remain the refuse collector's property.
B. Collect recyclable material and/or green waste at least once a week, on the same day, and during the hours specified for regular solid waste collection. No alternate collection schedule is permitted unless approved in writing by the City Manager. Refuse collectors may collect the receptacles therefor in the same manner as regular solid waste collection.
C. Provide recyclable material and/or green waste collection services to each location within the area(s) that the refuse collector serves for regular solid waste collection. Such service shall be provided at nondiscriminatory rates approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 990, passed 7-23-96)