It shall be the duty of every tenant, lessee or occupant of any residential unit or commercial premises, the keeper of every apartment house and of every other person having solid waste, green waste and/or recyclable material, to provide without expense to the city and at all times, except on collection day, to keep within the building, or other approved location, in which any of the same may be situated sufficient numbers of containers, of a type and size approved by the City Council, specifically designed for the containment of solid waste, green waste and/or recyclable material, each of which shall have suitable bales or handles and a tight-fitting cover which shall prevent leakage or escape of odors, and which, cumulatively when filled within four (4) inches of the top shall contain all solid waste, green waste and/or recyclable material which would ordinarily accumulate on such premises between collections. The exterior of such receptacles, including covers, shall be kept clean from accumulated grease or decomposing materials. Except when placed in accordance with § 8.28.120 hereof for collection purposes, such receptacles shall be kept and maintained only in storage locations permitted by the Brea Zoning Ordinance, as the same presently exists or as may be amended from time to time, or as specified by use permit or other entitlement for use.
(Ord. 990, passed 7-23-96)