General subdivision information shall describe or outline the existing conditions of the site and the proposed development as necessary to supplement the drawings required in the following paragraphs. This information should include data on existing covenants, land characteristics and available community facilities and utilities, information describing the subdivision proposal such as number of residential lots, width and depth, price range, business areas, playgrounds, park areas, and other public areas, proposed protective covenants and proposed utilities and street improvements.
(a) Key Plan. Key Plan showing location of Tract.
(b) Sketch Plan. Sketch plan on topographic survey shall show in simple sketch form the proposed layout of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing conditions. The sketch plan may be a free hand pencil sketch.
(c) Requisites of Sketch Plan. The sketch plan shall include either the existing topographic data listed in Section 1169.02 or such of this data as the Planning Board determines is necessary for its consideration of the proposed sketch plan.
(Ord. 0-5-73. Passed 6-5-73.)
Topographic data required as a basis for the preliminary map in this section shall include existing conditions as follows except when otherwise specified by the Planning Board.
(a) Boundaries: Perimeter boundary lines.
(b) Easements: Location, width and purpose.
(c) Streets: Streets on and adjacent to the tract, name and right-of-way width and location, walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc.
(d) Utilities: Utilities on and adjacent to the tract, location, size and invert elevations of sanitary or storm sewers if any, drainage channels and size of water mains, location and size of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles and street lights.
(e) Topography: Contour lines of ground elevations shall be at two (2) foot intervals.
(f) Other Conditions, Features: Other conditions on the tract, water course, rock out- crop, wooded areas, preservable trees, houses, barns, shacks, and other significant features.
(g) Zoning: Zoning on and adjacent to the tract.
(h) Title, Owners, Notations, Certification. Title and certificates, present land designations according to official records in the office of the appropriate recorder, title under which proposed subdivision is to be recorded with names and addresses of owners, notation stating acreage, scale, north arrow, date and benchmarks, certification of a registered civil engineer or land surveyor and date of survey.
(Ord. 0-5-73. Passed 6-5-73.)