The Veterans Benefits and Services Commissioner may divide the Veterans Services Department, from time to time, into such divisions as he or she may deem necessary for the proper conduct of the Department, and, with the written approval of the Mayor in each instance, may appoint such Deputy, and such Assistant, Veterans Benefits and Services Commissioners as he or she may, from time to time, deem necessary; provided, however, that no person other than a veteran as defined in Subsection 12-2.1 shall be eligible for such appointment.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 26 § 2; CBC 1975 Ord. T12 § 51; CBC 1985 12-2.2)
There shall be in the Veterans Services Department an Officer, known as the Supervisor of Veterans Graves and Registration, appointed by the Mayor, who shall have the powers and perform the duties from time to time conferred or imposed by general laws applicable to Boston on persons appointed under M.G.L. Chapter 115, Section 9. The Supervisor of Veterans Graves and Registration shall not be subject to the supervision or control of the Veterans Benefits and Services Commissioner; but unless otherwise ordered by the Mayor, such supervisor shall not communicate with the Mayor, or make an annual or other report, except through such Commissioner.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 26 § 3; CBC 1975 Ord. T12 § 52; CBC 1985 12-2.3)
M.G.L. Chapter 115, Section 9
There shall be in the city a Board, known as the Commission on Affairs of the Elderly, consisting of an Officer, known as the Commissioner on Affairs of the Elderly, appointed by the Mayor for a term expiring on the first Monday of the January following the next biennial municipal election at which a Mayor is elected, who shall be Chair of the Board and shall devote his or her whole time to the work, and ten other Officers, known as Associate Commissioners on Affairs of the Elderly, appointed by the Mayor (for terms of four years). As the term of any such Associate Commissioner expires, his or her successor shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of four years. Any vacancy in the Office of an Associate Commissioner shall be filled by the Mayor for the unexpired term. The Associate Commissioners shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. 1968 c. 5; Ord. 1970 c. 4 § 2; Rev. Ord, 1961 (Sup. 1971) c. 4A § 1; CBC 1975 Ord. T12 § 100; CBC 1985 12-3.1)
The Commission on Affairs of the Elderly shall be cognizant of federal and commonwealth legislation concerning financial assistance, information exchange and planning for better community programming for the elderly, and shall coordinate or carry out programs designed to meet the problems of the elderly in coordination with programs of the Commission on Aging established under M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 8B or its successor in function. The Commission on Affairs of the Elderly shall send to said Commission or its successor in function a copy of the annual report transmitted by it to the Mayor under Subsection 5-5.34 of these ordinances.
(Ord. 1968 c. 5; Ord. 1970 c. 4 § 2; Rev. Ord. 1961 (Sup. 1971) c. 4A § 2; CBC 1975 Ord. T12 § 101; CBC 1985 12-3.2)
(A) There shall be in the city, under the auspices of the Commission on Elderly Affairs, a Division of Center for Older Americans.
(B) Said Division shall establish centers throughout the city, to provide for and accommodate the needs of the elderly.
(C) Said centers shall be staffed and operated by the elderly.
(Ord. 1975 c. 10; CBC 1975 Ord. T12 § 102; CBC 1985 12-3.3)
(A) There shall be in the city, within the Commission on Affairs of the Elderly, a program known as the Home Repair Program for Seniors, which shall be administered by the Commissioner. Said program shall facilitate repairs which are non-structural in nature to homes owned and occupied by elderly persons, and to units rented by elderly persons in buildings of four or fewer units. The Commissioner shall make every effort to utilize technical and vocational students from the Boston Public School system to make such repairs. The Commissioner shall coordinate funding for the program from federal, commonwealth and private sources and shall work with private, non-profit Agencies which conduct similar programs to ensure that such work is fairly and equitably performed on a city-wide basis.
(B) The program described herein shall be administered totally by the Neighborhood Development and Employment Agency (“NDEA”) of the city.
(Ord. 1984 c.27; CBC 1985 12-3.4)