There shall be in the City, a Department known as the Inspectional Services Department, which shall be under the charge of an Officer known as the Commissioner, appointed by the Mayor, who shall have the powers and perform the duties imposed upon him or her by law, and who shall be compensated as an Officer within Category II of Subsection 5-5.10. The Inspectional Services Department shall have and exercise all of the duties imposed upon it by law including, but not limited to, the duties formerly held and exercised by the Building Commissioner, the Housing Inspection Commissioner and any other Commissioner or Department whose duties were transferred to the Inspectional Services Department by prior amendments of this code. The Commissioner shall prepare and keep current a statement of the organization of the Department, including the assignment of functions to the various Offices and employees.
(Ord. 1981 c. 19; CBC 1985 9-9.1; Ord. 1994 c. 1 § 1; Ord. 1995 c. 8 § 2; Ord. 2018 c. 6 § 7)
9-9.2—9-9.3 Reserved.
Editor’s note:
Former Subsections 9-9.2, Commissioner and 9-9.3, Joint Appointment, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance Nos. 1981 c. 19 and 1994 c. 1, were repealed in their entirety by Ordinance No. 1995 c. 8.
The Board of Health and Hospitals may delegate to the Inspectional Services Department the enforcement of any statute, ordinance or regulation heretofore enforced by, or adopted by, said Board. Any other Board, Officer, Department or Commission may, subject to the approval of the City Council, delegate to the Inspectional Services Department the enforcement of any statute, ordinance or regulation heretofore enforced by or duly adopted by such Board, Officer, Department or Commission. The Inspectional Services Department is hereby empowered to accept such delegation and may exercise any and all powers necessary or convenient in furtherance of any such delegation. Notice of such delegation shall be filed with the City Clerk.
(Ord. 1981 c. 19; CBC 1985 9-9.4)
The Commissioner may, from time to time, establish within the Department such administrative units within Divisions as may be necessary for the efficient and economical administration of the Department, and when necessary for such purpose, he or she may abolish or merge any such administrative units within Divisions as he or she may deem advisable. Subject to the approval of the Mayor and City Council, the Commissioner may establish, abolish or merge Divisions. The Commissioner shall prepare and keep current a statement of the organization of the Department; of the assignment of functions to its various administrative units, Offices and employees; and of the place at which and the methods whereby the public may receive information or make requests.
(Ord. 1981 c. 19; CBC 1985 9-9.6)
The Building Department and the Housing Inspection Department of the city are hereby respectively abolished. All powers, duties and appropriations of said Departments are hereby transferred to the Inspectional Services Department created by Subsection 9-9.1; and every person holding in said or other Departments an Office or position subject to the Civil Service Law and Rules, being M.G.L. Chapter 31, shall be transferred without Civil Service examination or registration to a similar Office or position in the Inspectional Services Department without impairment of his or her Civil Service rights or his or her retirement, seniority, vacation or sick leave rights; and his or her services shall be deemed to have been continuous to the same extent as if such abolition had not taken place.
(Ord. 1981 c. 19; CBC 1985 9-9.7)