8-13.4   Boston Cannabis Board.
   (A)   The Mayor shall establish a Cannabis Board. This Board shall be made up of seven members: one member with experience with the city’s licensing and regulation of businesses, one member with experience in public health policy, one member with experience in public safety, one member with experience in organized labor or workers’ rights, one member with experience in economic development, one member with experience in urban planning or land use and one member with experience in a leadership role within a neighborhood association in Boston.
   (B)   No member of the Boston Cannabis Board may be a close associate, controlling person or investor in a business that holds, is seeking or intends to seek a license from the Board.
   (C)   Board members shall receive annual ethics training and shall provide a financial disclosure statement on an annual basis to ensure compliance with the above conflict of interest provisions.
(CBC 1985 8-13.4; Ord. 2019 c. 5 § 1; Ord. 2021 c. 8 § 1)