The Public Facilities Commission shall further have the power to conduct a Community School Program in any schoolhouse designated as a Community School whether or not the care, custody and control thereof shall have been transferred to or shall rest with the School Committee, and for such purpose may exercise any power conferred upon it by Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966. Without limitation on the generality of the foregoing the Public Facilities Commission may for the purpose of conducting a Community School Program at any schoolhouse designated as Community School make, with the approval of the Mayor, such agreements or contracts with persons, firms, corporations and governmental Agencies, including the School Committee, as may be necessary or convenient for the carrying out of such Community School Program, and said Public Facilities Commission shall exercise its power hereunder in cooperation with the School Committee and other affected Departments of the city. These Departments shall include, but not be limited to, the Parks and Recreation Department, the Mayor’s Office of Human Rights, the Youth Activities Commission and the Office of Cultural Affairs.
(Ord. 1972 c.18; CBC 1975 Ord. T8 § 2; CBC 1985 8-1.2)
St. 1966 c. 642; Ord. Section 2-7; Ord. Section 7-4; Ord. Section 12-6; Ord. Section 19-1
The Public Facilities Commission shall establish, in conjunction with representatives designated by existing Community School Councils, guidelines for the creation and implementation of Community School Councils in each area served by a Community School. These Councils are to be composed of individuals representative of the residents of the area and the users of the facilities of the school. The Public Facilities Commission shall recognize such a Community School Council and will accept and act on recommendations from such councils in matters relating to personnel, program and budget, as well as in areas of general policy. The Public Facilities Commission shall, within 30 days after the receipt of recommendations in writing from a Community School Council, notify such Community School Council as to the adoption or rejection of such recommendations, and shall inform such Community School Council of a timetable for the implementation of adopted recommendations; community involvement in the decision-making process shall apply to every phase of the Community School Program.
(Ord. 1972 c. 18; CBC 1975 Ord. T8 § 3; CBC 1985 8-1.3)
Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted as abridging the exclusive power and authority of the School Committee to perform necessary alterations (as defined in Section 3 of Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966), maintenance and repairs of public school buildings and their yards and furnishings, nor the employment of schoolhouse custodians.
(Ord. 1972 c. 18; CBC 1975 Ord. T8 § 4; CBC 1985 8-1.4)
Ord. Section 19-1
There shall be, within the Public Facilities Commission created by Chapter 642 of the Acts of 1966, a Committee to be known as the Boston Urban Homestead Committee, which shall consist of all the members of said Commission, the City Auditor, or his or her designee, one member appointed by the Mayor for a term of five years from two nominees of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, one member regularly employed as a mortgage-lending officer of an institution subject to the terms of M.G.L. Chapter 167, Section 52 to be appointed by the Mayor for a period of five years, the Commissioner of Real Property, or his or her designee, and two low-income residents of the city appointed by the Mayor for a term of five years who neither own, directly or indirectly, or manage real property to a greater extent than three housing units. The members appointed by the Mayor (except for those serving ex officio) shall be deemed to be Special Municipal Employees for the purposes of M.G.L. Chapter 268A. All members shall serve without compensation. Any vacancy shall be filled in like manner as the member vacating the appointment, for a similar term as the original appointee. The Director of the Commission shall serve as Director of the Committee, without further compensation.
(Ord. 1973 c.13; CBC 1975 Ord. T8 § 6; CBC 1985 8-2.1)
St. 1966 c. 642; M.G.L. Chapter 167, Section 52; Ord. Section 6-1; Ord. Section 8-1; Ord. ss 11-7.1