(A) No residential owner who participates in the city’s recycling program shall place non-recyclable materials in set out containers. The city may discontinue its pick up of any such owner’s recyclables following two written warnings. When a residential owner demonstrates compliance with this Section to the Commissioner by placing recyclable materials in set out containers, the city shall resume collection of said owner’s recyclables.
(B) The Commissioner may develop alternative enforcement actions where, in the judgment of the Commissioner, such action is appropriate.
(C) The Commissioner may create an incentive program for participation in the recycling program, including, but not limited to, a “recycling lottery”, in which individuals or neighborhoods as defined by the Commissioner are awarded cash prizes or other awards for correctly separating solid waste in accordance with the recycling program’s needs as defined by the Commissioner.
(CBC 1985 7-13.6; Ord. 1990 c. 9 § 6)
(A) The Commissioner shall prepare an analysis of the recycling program including, but not limited to, rates of participation and volume and weight of the components of the waste stream successfully recycled, and the net cost of the city’s solid waste management system. The Commissioner shall prepare by July 1, 1991 a methodology for calculating and presenting the city’s net cost of its solid waste management. Such analysis shall be reported to the Mayor within two months after the end of each fiscal year, once the city-wide recycling program has begun. Such reports shall list the actual percentage of recycling attained for each district for the past year, including contractor performance as measured against the targets established pursuant to Subsection 7-13.5(C)(1), the results of any alternative programs, and the city’s net cost for its solid waste management system, as well as projections of each of these items for the coming year.
(B) The Commissioner shall prepare proposals for increasing participation in the recycling program and shall include an analysis of the merits of user fees, mandatory participation and sanctions.
(CBC 1985 7-13.7; Ord. 1990 c. 9 § 7)
The Director of the Environment Department shall, within six months of the effective date of this Section, adopt and implement regulations to ensure a substantial increase in the quantity of office waste paper recycled in Boston. The Director shall also research the feasibility of expanding this program to other recyclable materials and make recommendations as necessary to the Mayor.
(CBC 1985 7-13.8; Ord. 1990 c. 9 § 8)
It is the intent of this Section to maintain and expand Boston’s recycling initiative by ensuring that all businesses have access to recycling programs. Requiring haulers to offer recycling to commercial businesses will increase accountability for solid waste disposal. This will result in increased compliance with the commonwealth’s waste ban by haulers and businesses and a reduction of unnecessary disposal of usable raw materials.
(CBC 1985 7-13.8.2; Ord. 2008 c. 14)
For the purpose of this Section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Public Works of the city, or such person as said Commissioner may delegate.
HAULER. Any public or private solid waste collector.
RECYCLABLES. Materials that are restricted from disposal and transfer for disposal at solid waste facilities in the commonwealth pursuant to 310 CMR 19.017. These waste ban items include: leaf and yard waste, tires, white goods, metal, glass and plastic containers, paper and cathode ray tubes, asphalt pavement, brick, concrete, metal and wood.
(CBC 1985 7-13.8.3; Ord. 2008 c. 14)
As a precondition to receiving a permit from the Commissioner pursuant to Section 23-1, all haulers shall offer all commercial solid waste customers the services of collecting and properly disposing of recyclables. The Commissioner shall require all haulers to sign an affidavit certifying that they are in compliance with this Section as a condition of said permitting application process.
(CBC 1985 7-13.8.4; Ord. 2008 c. 14)