In order to facilitate the achievement of the goals of Edward Ingersoll Browne as recited in clause sixth of a certain will of the said Edward Ingersoll Browne proved October 3, 1901, and to act as the sole and exclusive Agent of the city in expending any monies available or made available under that will, there shall be in the city a Board, to be known as the Edward Ingersoll Browne Commission, consisting of the Mayor, that member of the Boston City Council for the time being the senior member in time of service or, in the event that two or more members have equal service, the senior of those in age and the Collector-Treasurer. All Commissioners shall serve ex officio and without additional compensation. The Mayor shall be Chair.
(Ord. 1975 c. 5 § 1; CBC 1975 Ord. T16 § 300; CBC 1985 20-5.1)