General Provisions
70.01 Use of steel tracked vehicles upon county roads prohibited; enforcement
70.02 Certain trucks prohibited from using certain streets
70.03 Use of county roads closed in emergency situations or designated for use by emergency vehicles only
70.04 Snow emergencies on county roadways
Motorized Vehicles on Sidewalks and Multi-use Paths
70.15 Definitions
70.16 Sidewalks and multi-use paths
Golf Carts
70.30 Definitions
70.31 Requirements
70.32 Designated county roadways
70.33 Traffic and parking regulations
70.34 Exemptions
70.35 Towing and storage
70.36 Schedule of designated roadways
70.37 Federal or state statutes and regulations
70.99 Penalty
Operation and parking of motor vehicles, see § 96.06
Speed limits, see Ch. 72, Sched. I