General Provisions
96.001 Definitions
96.002 Obstructions prohibited
96.003 Overhanging or protruding trees, shrubs, fences, canopies, awnings, signs and the like
96.004 Drainage-related interference with sidewalks and streets
96.005 Warnings required for obstructions
96.006 Depositing injurious materials on public ways
96.007 Required sight distances at intersections
96.008 Driveways
96.009 Town indemnified
96.010 Notice, abatement, procedures and penalties for nuisances
Authorization of Encroachments in the Public Way
96.025 Purpose and intent
96.026 Written authorization to encroach is required
96.027 Application for authorization to encroach
96.028 Procedure for consideration of and action on applications
96.029 Factors for review of applications
96.030 Indemnity, insurance and bonding requirements
96.031 Responsibilities of persons granted authorization to encroach
96.032 Authority to encroach is nonexclusive
96.033 Remedies
96.034 Rights of appeal
96.035 General conditions for use of public way
96.036 Exemptions
96.037 Collocation of small wireless facilities
Acceptance of Streets
for Maintenance by Town;
Request for Street or Right-of-Way Closure
Request for Street or Right-of-Way Closure
96.045 Application for acceptance of infrastructure
96.046 Final acceptance; naming of new streets
96.047 Prerequisites to acceptance
96.048 Street closings and right-of-way vacations
96.999 Penalty