(A) No person may open, construct, alter or relocate any driveway across or into any town-owned property or public way without having obtained a written permit from the Administrator and complied with all requirements of the Town's Unified Development Ordinance, the Town Code, and all current specifications and other requirements of the town's Department of Public Works.
(B) Any person who receives a permit under this section shall be responsible for repairing any damage to any public way caused by the driveway construction.
(C) The Administrator shall review the driveway construction and design plans and shall issue the permit unless the Administrator finds the driveway, if constructed as proposed, will pose a danger to persons using a public way, substantially interfere with or risk harm to public facilities (including utility poles, traffic signal standards, water, sewer, or stormwater drainage facilities, and the like), or fail to comply with any of the provisions of the Town Code or the Uniform Development Ordinance, or any specifications and other requirements of the Department of Public Works.
(D) No driveway may be constructed closer than three feet to a fire hydrant or catch basin or closer than 30 feet to the right-of-way line of a street that intersects with the street the driveway opens onto.
(E) If the driveway crosses a drainage ditch on a lot that abuts a street without curb or gutter, then piping of sufficient size and strength (as approved by the Administrator) shall be installed beneath the driveway surface so the drainage capability of the drainage ditch is not impaired.
(F) This section shall not apply to driveways that open into state-maintained streets to the extent that the state has approved the driveway.
(Ord. passed 9-17-2019)