A.   Services: It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, operate or maintain, or permit to be conducted, operated or maintained, or to participate in the conducting, operation, maintenance or monitoring of a private patrol service, private security service or security alarm installation service unless a valid license therefor has been issued as provided for in chapter 1, article A of this title, and this chapter, and which is in full force and effect.
   B.   Agents, Installers: It shall be unlawful for any person to act or to offer to act as a private patrol agent or as a security alarm installer within the City unless a valid license therefor has been issued as provided for in chapter 1, article A of this title, and this chapter.
   C.   Hiring Prohibited Unless Licensed: It shall be unlawful for any private patrol or security service to employ or hire the services of a private patrol agent, or for a security alarm installation service to employ or hire the services of a security alarm installer, until and unless said private patrol agent has been duly licensed as required by chapter 1, article A of this title, and this chapter.
   D.   Officers Exempt: This chapter shall not apply to or include regularly appointed police officers, or to any regularly appointed police officers or law enforcement agents of the State or the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, while acting as their agent.
   E.   Capacity To Act By Owners, Operators: Any owner or operator of a validly licensed private patrol or security service or system may act as a private patrol agent for that private patrol or security service or system; or any owner or operator of a validly licensed security alarm installation service may act as a security alarm installer, without additional bond or fee, and may be issued a license accordingly.
   F.   Event Security Staff: Event security staff shall be exempt from licensing, but shall be required to undergo and meet the criminal background check criteria required of licenses governed under this chapter. The company or agency which employs the event security staff shall perform these criminal background checks. (Ord. 23-14, 6-17-2014; amd. 2019 Code)