To the extent not inconsistent with this chapter, the licensing provisions set forth in chapter 1, article A of this title, shall apply with full force and effect to all provisions and sections of this chapter. (2019 Code)
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. Words used throughout this chapter, but not defined herein or in chapter 1, article A of this title, shall have their plain, ordinary and common meaning. Words in any gender shall apply to the feminine, masculine and neuter genders.
EVENT SECURITY STAFF: Any person employed for the purpose of maintaining peace and order at public events, including, but not limited to, screening for weapons and searching purses, bags and persons for prohibited items prior to entry into public events.
PRIVATE PATROL AGENT: Any person employed by the service or who performs individually the functions of a private patrol or private security service.
PRIVATE PATROL SERVICE OR SYSTEM: Any service or system which purports to furnish, or does furnish, for a consideration or otherwise, any watchman or guard, either uniformed or otherwise, to patrol any district in the City, or to guard or watch any property.
PRIVATE SECURITY SERVICES: Any service or system which purports to furnish, or does furnish, for a consideration or otherwise, any employee or agent employee or agent to protect any property by means other than physical observation of property.
SECURITY ALARM INSTALLATION SERVICE: Any service or system which purports to furnish, or does furnish, for a consideration or otherwise, any installation, servicing or monitoring of any type of security, burglary or fire alarm protection system.
SECURITY ALARM INSTALLER: Any person employed by the service or who performs individually the functions of a security alarm installation service. (Ord. 23-14, 6-17-2014; amd. 2019 Code)
A. Services: It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, operate or maintain, or permit to be conducted, operated or maintained, or to participate in the conducting, operation, maintenance or monitoring of a private patrol service, private security service or security alarm installation service unless a valid license therefor has been issued as provided for in chapter 1, article A of this title, and this chapter, and which is in full force and effect.
B. Agents, Installers: It shall be unlawful for any person to act or to offer to act as a private patrol agent or as a security alarm installer within the City unless a valid license therefor has been issued as provided for in chapter 1, article A of this title, and this chapter.
C. Hiring Prohibited Unless Licensed: It shall be unlawful for any private patrol or security service to employ or hire the services of a private patrol agent, or for a security alarm installation service to employ or hire the services of a security alarm installer, until and unless said private patrol agent has been duly licensed as required by chapter 1, article A of this title, and this chapter.
D. Officers Exempt: This chapter shall not apply to or include regularly appointed police officers, or to any regularly appointed police officers or law enforcement agents of the State or the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, while acting as their agent.
E. Capacity To Act By Owners, Operators: Any owner or operator of a validly licensed private patrol or security service or system may act as a private patrol agent for that private patrol or security service or system; or any owner or operator of a validly licensed security alarm installation service may act as a security alarm installer, without additional bond or fee, and may be issued a license accordingly.
F. Event Security Staff: Event security staff shall be exempt from licensing, but shall be required to undergo and meet the criminal background check criteria required of licenses governed under this chapter. The company or agency which employs the event security staff shall perform these criminal background checks. (Ord. 23-14, 6-17-2014; amd. 2019 Code)
A. Unlawful Appearance Or Use: It shall be unlawful for any private patrol or security service, or for any private patrol agent, to use or authorize the use of any uniform, clothing, uniform emblems or shoulder patches having a color, design and/or shape such as makes any of them individually, or some or all of them in the aggregate, appear indistinguishable from any uniform, uniform emblems or shoulder patches of the Police Department.
B. Approval And Authorization Required: Every private patrol or security service, and every private patrol agent who performs individually the functions of a private patrol or security service, prior to being licensed under this chapter, shall obtain approval and authorization of any color, design or shape of any uniform, clothing, uniform emblems, badges or shoulder patches to be utilized by such licensee. Application for such approval shall be made to the Licensing Officer. Approval and authorization, if any, shall be made by that officer, in writing, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Police Department. The written approval and authorization shall be attached to the application for license required by section 3-12-8 of this chapter and shall describe the color, design and shape of the uniform, patches, badges or emblems, as the case may be.
C. Photographs:
1. Every private patrol or security service, and every private patrol agent who individually performs the functions of a private patrol or security service, prior to being licensed under this chapter, shall submit color photographs of a size no less than three and one-half inches by three and one-half inches (31/2" x 31/2"), depicting the following:
a. A full figure view showing:
(1) The entire uniform, front side facing without coat, as approved under subsection B of this section.
(2) The entire uniform, left side facing without coat, as approved under subsection B of this section.
b. If a coat or other outer garment is to be worn at any time:
(1) The entire uniform, front side facing with coat or garment, as approved under subsection B of this section.
(2) The entire uniform, left side facing with coat or garment, as approved under subsection B of this section.
c. A close up view of each and every badge, patch or emblem to be worn by a private patrol agent, of sufficient clarity and detail to permit the reading of all wording on the badge, patch or emblem from the photograph.
2. These photographs shall be filed with the application in the Office of the City Clerk, and shall be available to the Police Department upon request.
D. Subsequent Approval And Authorization: Approval and authorization of uniform clothing, uniform emblems, badges or patches shall be obtained from the Licensing Officer before the addition, deletion or change of any previously approved and authorized item, or every three (3) years, whichever comes first. (1952 Code § 5-19-03; amd. 2019 Code)