(a)   Accessory Buildings.
(1)   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses, and shall be complimentary to the main building and surrounding properties.
(2)   Accessory buildings shall only be permitted in the side and rear yards. Storage sheds shall only be permitted within the rear yard.
(3)   The main building must be constructed and approved for occupancy prior to the construction of an accessory building.
(4)   Accessory structures shall be located no closer than five (5) feet to any side or rear property line.
(5)   No more than two (2) temporary structures may be allowed to exist on any lot at the same time. No temporary structure may be allowed to remain for more than twenty-one (21) days and a period of sixty (60) days must elapse before it or any other temporary structure is permitted.
   (b)   Drive-Through Facility. Drive-through facilities shall only be permitted in association with a financial institution or pharmacy use. Drive-through facilities are not permitted for restaurant uses.
   (c)   Outdoor Dining.  
(1)   Outdoor dining areas that are less than ten (10) feet in width may be permitted in association with a food or beverage establishment in the BAN, SP, BAS, and DT zoning districts subject to the following:
A.   Outdoor dining areas are permitted in any yard.
B.   A minimum four (4) feet wide path shall be maintained around any outdoor dining area to allow for safe pedestrian travel.
C.   Outdoor dining areas shall not be located in any required parking space or parking area.
D.   Outdoor dining areas shall not include the use of audio or visual electronics including televisions and projecting screens.
(2)   Outdoor dining areas that are greater than ten (10) feet in width may be permitted in the BAN, SP, BAS, and DT zoning districts with a conditional use permit and are subject to the standards within Section 1127.06 Conditional Use Regulations and to the following:
A.   Outdoor dining areas are permitted in any yard.
B.   Outdoor dining areas shall be surrounded by decorative railing or fencing that separates the eating area from the sidewalk or vehicular traffic. Planning Commission shall review and approve the material, height, and color of the proposed enclosure.
C.   A minimum four (4) feet wide path shall be maintained around any outdoor dining area to allow for safe pedestrian travel.
D.   Outdoor dining areas shall not be located in any required parking space or parking area.
   (d)   Outdoor Storage or Sales.  
(1)   For commercial uses (not including industrial uses) in the BAN, SP, BAS, or DT zoning districts there shall be no outside sales or storage of merchandise or products except for:
A.   Commercial uses may conduct outdoor sales of plants, shrubs, and tress for a 100 day period per year. This shall be limited to a total of 3,000 square feet in any area or parking spaces; however all drives shall remain open for traffic.
B.   Commercial uses may have merchandise on display outside if it is located within five (5) feet of the front building façade or completely contained under the front roof or eave line.
(2)   For industrial uses in the BAN, SP, or BAS zoning districts, outdoor storage may be permitted in the side or rear yards if the materials are fully screened from view from all property lines and adjacent rights-of-way. Screening methods shall include opaque walls, fences, mounding, evergreen plantings, or any combination thereof that are at least six (6) feet in height. Screening methods shall not include chain link type fences with or without slats.
         (Ord. 2017-1. Passed 1-26-17.)
   (e)   Warehousing, Incidental.  Incidental warehouses may be permitted as an accessory use in association with a principally permitted use. If warehousing is proposed as part of an application, the area of such warehousing shall be identified on the development plan and the square footage of the area identified. The warehousing area must be incorporated into the principal building; no stand-alone warehousing units, such as self-storage facilities, are permitted.
(Ord. 2020-10. Passed 12-10-20.)