The following regulations apply only to development within the Downtown Zoning District.
(a)   Height.
(1)   Maximum buiding height is 55 feet except that principal buildings located at the corner of Kenwood and Cooper Roads may have a maximum height of 60 feet.
      (2)   All principal buildings shall have a minimum of two stories above ground, except as regulated in Section 1135.05(a): Accessory Buildings.
      (3)   No building shall have more than four stores above-grade.
      (4)   The facades of all buildings that abut a right-of-way or a residential zoning district shall step back above 35-feet in height. One additional foot setback is required for each one additional foot of building height.
(b)   Setbacks.
(1)   All buildings in the Downtown Zoning District shall have a minimum setback of three feet and a maximum setback of 15 feet. The area between the building and the property line shall be occupied by outdoor dining areas, landscaping, pedestrian plazas, enhanced customer entrances, similar pedestrian amenities, or other unique design concepts. The area between the building and the street shall not include any parking areas, driveways or vehicular circulation aisles, or other vehicular-oriented purposes.
(2)   Overhangs, awnings, and roofs may extend up to four (4) feet into the right-of-way above a public sidewalk if an eight (8) foot clearance is maintained for pedestrians and the projections pose no threat to the public health, safety, or general welfare.
(3)   Buildings shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from the side and rear lot lines when abutting uses in a different zoning district.
(c)   Lot Area/Density.
(1)   All new buildings shall contain a minimum of 20,000 square feet gross floor area, including all floors of the building.
(2)   The minimum residential gross density shall be eight units per acre.
(3)   When residential uses are part of a vertically mixed-use building, the minimum density shall not apply.
(4)   There is no maximum residential density in this district provided that residential uses meet the setback, height, and other site design requirements.
(5)   All lots must abut a public right-of-way.
(d)   Blocks. Blocks shall have a minimum length of 200 feet and a maximum length of 500 feet.
(e)   Sidewalks.  
(1)   Sidewalks used for internal pedestrian circulation (i.e., connecting parking spaces with buildings) shall have a minimum width of four (4) feet.
(2)   All sidewalks shall be built to standards established elsewhere in the Code of Ordinances.
(f)   General Site Layout.
(1)   Whenever possible, dumpsters shall be combined for tenant and/or surrounding building uses. All dumpsters shall be enclosed with face brick walls, six (6) feet high at grade, eight (8) inches thick, and all faces of the wall to be brick, and the top course to be row lock and with wood doors of appropriate design completely closing off the front of the dumpster enclosure.
(2)   Dumpster pads shall be constructed in accordance with standards established in Section 1147.06(h).
(3)   All electric, telephone and cable lines shall be placed underground.
(4)   Underground storm drainage facilities shall be provided for all roads and drives and parking areas. All storm drainage shall be directed into established storm drainage facilities.
(5)   All retaining walls which are visible from any public street shall have masonry facing, such as brick, stone, or other decorative finish.
(g)   Building Design. All new construction and building modifications, as applicable, shall conform to the architectural standards of Chapter 1147 Architectural Standards of this zoning code.
      (Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17; Ord. 2020-1. Passed 2-27-20.)