1135.01 Purpose statement.
1135.02 Permitted uses.
1135.03 Table of permitted uses.
1135.04 Principal use-specific standards.
1135.05 Accessory use-specific standards.
1135.06 Supplemental commercial district use standards.
1135.07 Downtown Zoning District regulations.
Districts established - see P. & Z. Ch. 1129
Parking and loading requirements - see P. & Z. Ch. 1141
Flood plain management - see BLDG. Ch. 1317
Soil erosion and sediment control - see BLDG. Ch. 1323
Housing and property maintenance standards - see PROP. STDS.Ch. 1711
Property performance standards - see PROP. STDS. Ch. 1717
The purpose of this chapter is to establish Commercial Zoning District standards:
(a) BAN Blue Ash North District. It is the purpose of the "BAN" district to create an employment district with attractive office and industrial uses that also includes amenities for the employees of the district such as restaurants and retail uses.
(b) SP Summit Park District. It is the purpose of the "SP" district to create a regional mixed-use area catering to the visitors of Summit Park, existing and new residents, and the adjacent office developments with integrated commercial, mixed housing, and office components.
(c) BAS Blue Ash South District. It is the purpose of the "BAS" district to create a commercial district with retail, grocery, restaurant, and office components that attract from the Blue Ash employment districts, the residential neighborhoods, and travelers along OH-126.
(d) DT Downtown District. It is the purpose of the "D" district to create a community mixed-use destination that contains a concentration of retail, restaurant, multi-family, and public amenity uses within an attractive and walkable district.
(Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)
(a) Table 1135-1: Commercial Permitted Uses lists the uses allowed within the commercial zoning districts.
(b) Permitted Uses. A "P" in a cell indicates that a use is allowed by-right in the respective zoning district. Permitted uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this code.
(c) Permitted Uses with Standards. A "PS" in a cell indicates that a use category is allowed by-right in the respective zoning district if it meets the additional standards set forth in the numerically referenced sections. Permitted uses with standards are subject to all other applicable regulations of this code.
(d) Conditional Uses.
(1) A "C" in a cell indicates that a use may be permitted if approved through a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1127.06 Conditional Use Regulations. Conditional uses may be subject to use-specific standards as identified in the last column of Table 1135 1: Commercial Permitted Uses. Conditional uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this code.
(2) The existence or lack of additional use-specific standards in this code shall not be implied to be the only standards the use is required to meet. Any use that is permitted as a conditional use shall be subject to the general review standards for all conditional uses established in Section 1127.06 Conditional Use Regulations.
(Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)
Table 1135-1: Commercial Permitted Uses identifies the list of permitted uses in all commercial zoning districts.
P=Permitted PS=Permitted with Standards C=Conditional Use Blank Cell=Prohibited | |||||
Use Type | BAN | SP | BAS | DT | Additional Requirements |
Residential Uses | |||||
Townhomes | PS | 1135.04(b) | |||
Community and Public Facility Uses | |||||
Community and public facilities, including public parks and open spaces | P | P | P | P | |
Institutions of education, religious, higher learning, non-profit, or of a philanthropic nature | P | P | P | P | |
Libraries and museums | P | P | P | P | |
Schools, public & private | P | P | P | P | |
Commercial Uses | |||||
Animal boarding facilities and kennels | PS | PS | 1135.04(c) | ||
Automotive fueling station | C | C | C | C | 1135.04(d) |
Brewery or distillery, micro | P | P | P | P | |
Brewery or distillery, macro | P | ||||
Brewery or distillery, nano | P | P | P | P | |
Conference centers | P | P | P | ||
Day care center | PS | PS | PS | PS | 1135.04(e) |
Entertainment, health, and recreation facilities | PS | PS | PS | PS | 1135.04(f) |
Greenhouses and nurseries | PS | 1135.04(g) | |||
Financial Institutions | P | P | P | P | |
Funeral homes, mortuaries | P | P | |||
Hospitals and surgery centers | P | PS | P | 1135.04(h) | |
Manufacturing, light | P | PS | P | 1135.04(m) | |
Offices | P | P | P | P | |
Office, medical | P | P | P | P | |
Parking as principal use (lot or garage) | PS | PS | PS | P | 1135.04(i) |
Personal services | P | P | P | P | |
Recycling centers | PS | 1135.04(j) | |||
Restaurants, bars, brewpubs, and other food and beverage services | P | P | P | P | |
Retail sales, small scale | P | P | P | P | |
Retail sales, large scale | P | ||||
Vehicle repair facility | C | C | C | 1135.04(k) | |
Vehicle sales and rental | C | 1135.04(l) | |||
Accessory Uses | |||||
Accessory buildings | PS | PS | PS | 1135.05(a) | |
Drive-through facility | PS | PS | PS | PS | 1135.05(b) |
Outdoor dining | PS | PS | PS | PS | 1135.05(c) |
Outdoor storage or sales | C | 1135.05(d) | |||
Warehouse, incidental | PS | PS | PS | 1135.05(e) | |
**Additional uses that are not listed in this table may be allowed in a Planned Unit Development if approved by Planning Commission and City Council as described in Chapter 1137 Planned Unit Development. | |||||
(Ord. 2017-1. Passed 1-26-17; Ord. 2020-10. Passed 12-10-20; Ord. 2023-02. Passed 5-11-23.)