   (a)    When desiring to discuss a question or make a motion, the member shall address the Chair in a dignified fashion. The Chair, in turn, shall announce the name of the member. The decision of the Chair as to which member is entitled to the floor shall be final except as the same shall be subject to appeal to Council. A member who has the floor shall confine his/her remarks to five minutes.
   (b)    No member shall speak more than once upon any question until every other member desiring to speak on said question shall be heard.
   (c)   When a question is put, each member shall vote "yes" or "no" unless excused by stating his/her reasons. Requests to be excused shall be made and the reasons therefore stated prior to the beginning of voting on the question. A roll call shall be required for voting on any ordinance, resolution, or motion to go into Executive Session.
   (d)    Any member desiring to depart a meeting of Council shall first secure the consent of the Chair, whereupon the Chair shall announce his/her consent to Council.
   (e)    Each member of Council shall be entitled to receive at least 24 hours prior to a regular meeting of Council at which the public shall be heard the agenda therefore, which shall include written copies of all ordinances, resolutions, and main motions to be presented to Council; provided however, any member may dispense with this requirement by attending said meeting.
   (f)    Members of Council are required to attend a minimum of 12 Council meetings per year, unless a majority of the remaining Council Members formally excuses by motion at the last meeting of the calendar year attendance at less than twelve (12).
(Ord. 2002-11. Passed 1-24-02.)
   (a)    Regular meetings of Council at which the public shall be heard shall be as follows (beginning at 7:30 p.m. unless noted):
      •   January - May: second and fourth Thursdays
      •   June - August: second Thursdays
      •   September - October: second and fourth Thursdays
      •   November: second and third Thursdays
      •   December: second Thursday beginning at 7:00 p.m.
   When such meeting date is a legal holiday, then such regular meeting of Council shall be held on the preceding Thursday or such other date agreed upon by a majority vote of Council. The first meeting of Council in December following each municipal election shall be a regular meeting of Council, which shall be December 1st or the first business day thereafter, except as the Council may otherwise provide.
   (b)    Special meetings of Council may be called by the Mayor or by any three members of Council by written notice served personally upon each member of Council or left at his/her usual place of residence at least twelve (12) hours in advance of the time for such special meeting. The notice of special meeting shall specify the hour and place for said meeting, and the purpose for such meeting and shall be signed by the Mayor or the members of Council calling same. Said notice may be served by the Clerk of Council, Mayor, or any police officer; provided however, such notice may be waived by any one or more of said members by attending said meeting.
   (c)    All meetings of Council, except executive sessions as provided for in Sec. 3.02 of the Charter, shall be open to the public and held in accordance with law and, unless otherwise ordered by majority vote of Council, shall be held in the Blue Ash Municipal and Safety Center.
(Ord. 2002-11. Passed 1-24-02.)
   (a)    At all regular meetings of Council the order of procedure shall be as follows unless otherwise provided herein or by majority vote of Council:
         Call to order at 7:30 p.m.
         Opening ceremonies
         Roll call
         Acceptance of Agenda
         Approval of Minutes
         Questions and/or comments from the public and others
         New and unfinished business such as but not limited to:
         a.    Ordinances
         b.    Resolutions
         c.    Motions
         Miscellaneous business
   (b)    At special meetings the purpose of the call shall have precedence over all other matters and the preceding order shall not be applicable unless made so by a majority vote of Council.
   (c)    Ordinances and Resolutions shall not be entered on the agenda nor introduced by any member of Council without first having been submitted to the Solicitor for approval as to form.
   (d)    When a main motion has been made and seconded, the Chair shall declare it specifically before debate. Every motion, resolution, and ordinance (excepting simple motions at the Chair's discretion) shall be presented in written or printed form and a copy of same shall have been made available to all members of Council prior to its introduction. No motion, once made and seconded, may be withdrawn from consideration without consent of a majority of Council.
   (e)    When any question is before Council, no other motion or question may be entertained unless it be: (1) to adjourn, (2) to lay on the table, (3) for the previous question, (4) to postpone indefinitely, (5) to postpone to a time certain, (6) to refer to Committee, (7) to amend. The motions enumerated, to and including (7), shall have precedence in the order named.
   (f)    A motion to adjourn shall always be in order unless immediately prior to the making of said motion, (1) a similar motion to adjourn had just been defeated, (2) a member has the floor, (3) the previous question has just been ordered or, (4) Council is voting.
   (g)    In the event adjournment occurs during consideration of a question, the same question in its entirety shall be placed upon the agenda of the next regular meeting as new business and take precedence over all other new business upon said agenda.
   (h)    A motion to lay on the table may not be amended nor debated. A question, having been tabled, may be taken from the table only as unfinished business.
   (i)    A motion to postpone to a future time definite, being seconded, terminates debate upon the main question; provided however, prior to call said motion may be amended, but only as to future time.
   (j)    A motion to postpone consideration to a future time uncertain shall be considered as a motion to defeat the main question.
   (k)    All new business shall be referred by the Chair to the appropriate Committee or Committees without debate unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of Council.
   (l)    The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Charter or the Standing Rules of Council. All other rules are hereby abolished.
(Ord. 2002-11. Passed 1-24-02.)
   (a)    All committees and Chairs thereof, including the Standing Committees of Council provided for hereinafter, shall be appointed by the Chair of Council upon nomination by majority vote of the members of Council. In the absence of the Chair, such appointments shall be made by the Chair pro tempore. Such Committees shall convene only in accordance with the Charter and the Standing Rules of Council.
   (b)    The Standing Committees of Council shall be:
      (1)   Planning and Zoning
      (2)   Finance and Administration
      (3)   Public Safety
      (4)   Parks and Recreation
      (5)   Public Works
   (c)    Unless otherwise provided by the Charter or the Standing Rules of Council, the Chair of Council or a majority of Council may refer any matter properly presented to Council to any one or more of the foregoing enumerated Committees or any Special Committee appointed for such purpose.
   (d)    When a matter is referred to any Committee(s), the Clerk of Council shall transmit to the Chair (Chair/s/) all papers and information relative to the matter. The Chair of each Committee to which such matter is referred, upon receipt of all papers and information relative to the matter, shall call a meeting of his/her Committee by written or personal notice to each member of said Committee.
   (e)    Any committee member may prepare a special report (dissenting or otherwise), which report shall also be in writing and signed. Unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of Council every Committee shall report at the next regular meeting with regard to all matters referred to it.
(Ord. 2002-11. Passed 1-24-02.)
   In addition to notification to the public otherwise required by law, any person, upon providing the Clerk of Council from time to time with stamped self-addressed envelopes, shall be mailed a copy of this chapter, the agenda of a regular meeting of Council at which the public
shall be heard, and the call for each special meeting of Council.
(Ord. 2002-11. Passed 1-24-02.)