(a) Purpose. To provide a process through which applicants may appeal staff interpretation of provisions in Chapters 9, 19, 21 and 22 of the city code.
(b) Initiation. An interpretation appeal may be initiated by any party that disagrees with staff interpretation of provisions in Chapters 9, 19, 21 and 22 of the city code.
(c) Review. Interpretation appeals must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and acted upon by the City Council.
(d) Findings. Interpretation appeals may only be approved:
(1) When the requested interpretation better matches the spirit and intent of the provision in question; and
(2) When the applicant has provided clear rationale supporting the alternative interpretation.
(e) Content. Interpretation appeal applications must include the following information:
(1) An application form and the signed consent of the appealing party.
(2) A fee as set forth in City Code Appendix A.
(3) Written documentation that includes:
(A) A description of the specific provisions that are being appealed;
(B) The interpretation requested by the applicant;
(C) A description of how the applicant's interpretation differs from staff's interpretation; and
(D) Rationale that supports the applicant's interpretation.