9-5-1: Purpose
9-5-2: Location/Applicability
9-5-3: Developable Density And Lot Area
9-5-4: Permitted Uses
9-5-5: Accessory Uses
9-5-6: Conditional Uses
9-5-7: Dimensional Standards
9-5-8: Transferable Development Right (TDR) Sending Area
9-5-9: Transferable Development Right (TDR) Receiving Area
9-5-10: Planned Unit Developments And Cluster Developments
The A-20 district is established to: a) preserve those lands either presently in agricultural use or having potential for agricultural use. Criteria for determining agricultural potential include soil characteristics, topography, microclimate, the availability of water, the cost of applying adequate water for irrigation and distance from incorporated cities; b) encourage agricultural activities, thereby helping to ensure that commercial agriculture will continue as a long term land use and a viable economic activity within the county; c) preserve natural features and the rural landscape, while allowing low density, clustered residential development; and d) respect existing features of the rural landscape.
The preferred land use in the A-20 district is agriculture. The district is intended to permit a range of uses related to agriculture, to encourage the preservation of large blocks of farmland, and to permanently protect from development the tracts of land which remain after permitted residential development has occurred. Residential development shall be permitted only when it is located and designed to minimize its impact on agricultural land, farming operations, and sensitive environmental features and when it is found that the cumulative effect of residential development in the vicinity does not change the character of agriculturally used lands. (Ord. 96-10, 9-16-1996; Ord. 77-5, 3-28-1977, eff. 4-7-1977)
This A-20 district shall only apply to lands in the A-20 district effective prior to July 5, 2006, and that meet the following criteria:
A. Location within an urban influence boundary, as defined by the following criteria:
1. Within three (3) miles from the incorporated boundaries of Ketchum, Hailey, or Bellevue; or
2. Within one mile from the incorporated boundaries of Carey or Sun Valley; or
3. Within three-fourths (3/4) of a mile from the boundary of the platted townsites of Picabo or Gannett; or
B. Location within one-half (1/2) mile from the R-5 zoning district; or
C. Location within township one north and ranges 18 and 19 (excluding section 35) east, Boise meridian. (Ord. 2006-05, 6-29-2006)
A. Minimum Lot Area: The minimum lot area in a subdivision shall be twenty (20) acres, except:
1. Within an A-20 cluster development when authorized pursuant to Blaine County ordinance 77-6, as amended (subdivision ordinance).
2. Within an A-20 TDR receiving area where the minimum lot area shall be one acre.
B. PUDs: For the purposes of a PUD that includes land zoned A-20, the base density may be transferred within contiguous parcels of land under the same ownership from the A-20 district to the R-5 or R-10 district.
C. Maximum Base Density: The maximum base density shall be one dwelling unit per twenty (20) acres.
D. Density Bonus In A CD: One primary residential dwelling unit (and any accessory employee housing as otherwise permitted) shall be allowed within any parent tract of an A-20 CD in addition to the base density. (Ord. 2008-10, 7-8-2008; Ord. 2006-05, 6-29-2006; Ord. 96-10, 9-16-1996; Ord. 77-5, 3-28-1977, eff. 4-7-1977)