This district permits limited development of those lands which are not well suited for long term intensive agricultural production due to such factors as soil characteristics, topography, water availability, the cost of applying water and microclimate, and which, in addition, are not well suited for residential use except for very low density due to such factors as access problems, slope, soil characteristics, distance from and ability to provide services at reasonable cost, and presence of sensitive natural resources. (Ord. 2006-04, 6-29-2006)
This RR-40 district shall only apply to lands designated as A-10 prior to July 5, 2006, and that are outside of the urban influence boundary and beyond one-half (1/2) mile from the R-5 zoning district, as defined in subsections 9-6-2A and B of this title. (Ord. 2006-04, 6-29-2006)