A. Commercial Zones: Specific provisions are set forth in section 9-24-6.
B. Medium Density Residential Zones: All provisions of chapter 11 of this title, as it defines R-.4 (Medium Density Residential) Zones shall apply to the SCR-.4 (Sawtooth City Medium Density Residential) Zones except as such provisions are in conflict with the hereinafter provisions of this chapter in which event the provisions of this chapter shall be controlling and applied in conjunction with the relevant nonconflicting portions of chapter 11 of this title.
C. Applicable Provisions: The following provisions shall apply to and define both the SCC, except where explicitly stated, and SCR-.4 Zones:
1. Use And Development: Use and development on all lands within community shall be in conformance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, regulations and ordinances.
2. Septic System Permit Required: On site septic systems may be used for sanitary disposal after obtaining a septic system permit from the State Health Department or its authorized regional or County agent.
3. New Utilities: All new utilities shall be underground.
4. Structures And Improvements: Structures or other improvements shall not be constructed within fifty feet (50') of streambeds, banks or in floodplains of live or intermittent streams. Streambeds, banks and floodplains will not be disturbed, except as may be necessary to construct, operate and maintain irrigation, fisheries, utilities, fences, roads and similar facilities or improvements. Any such necessary encroachment will avoid impeding water flow, sedimentation of streams or entrance of deleterious material into streams and must comply with Idaho Code, section 42-3801 et seq., and chapters 3 and 17 of this title.
5. Total Development Allowed: (This section shall not apply to SCC. See section 9-24-6 of this chapter.) Not more than one single-family dwelling shall be permitted on each building site or lot. Buildings or structures cannot occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of the land surface on a lot less than 20,000 square feet in area. On any lot larger than 20,000 square feet, buildings cannot occupy more than 6,500 square feet. Existing properties exceeding this amount of building coverage as of the effective date of Sawtooth NRA regulations (March 28, 1974) may not be further developed. Lots in Sawtooth City shall not be subdivided. Adjoining lots shall not be joined together and considered as one lot unless a common line is vacated by amending the governing plat or modifying parcel boundaries. Any structure that does not share a common wall or any structure that does not share a partial common wall with an entryway with the main structure is considered an outbuilding.
6. Mobile or Manufactured Homes: Mobile Home is defined pursuant to Idaho Code, section 39-4105, Idaho Code as: "Mobile home", a factory-assembled structure or structures generally constructed prior to June 15, 1976, and equipped with the necessary service connections and made so as to be readily movable as a unit or units on their own running gear and designed to be used as a dwelling unit or units with or without a permanent foundation. Manufactured homes may be permitted pursuant to Building Code regulations.
7. Parking: (This section shall not apply to SCC. See section 9-24-6 of this chapter.) Temporary parking of guest and resident owner's vehicles is allowed only on permitted developed property. Parking of operable motor vehicles on an undeveloped lot is allowed only if the lot is adjacent to a permitted developed lot owned by the same owner. Parking and storage of boats, campers and travel trailers is only allowed by resident owners on developed property.
8. Compatible Architecture: Building architecture is to be compatible with the general location, site environment and to be consistent with the present generally rustic western character of the community, which is to be maintained as such in its natural scenic setting. Structures shall be reflective of the historic, pastoral architectural traditions of the Sawtooth Valley. Unusual or nontraditional architectural styles are not permitted.
9. Maintenance: All commercial and residential buildings and structures, including fences, shall be maintained in a usable and serviceable condition or shall be repaired or removed by owner. Properties shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition. All debris shall be removed within a reasonable time. Debris shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Unused construction material;
b. Miscellaneous equipment used during construction permissible during construction period. Not to be allowed after construction, unless screened from view;
c. General trash, household and commercial; and/or
d. Nonfunctioning vehicles parked or stored out of doors.
10. Animals: No animals shall be maintained on residential premises except house pets and riding horses for private use, and in accordance with this Code and this section. No more than one riding horse per one-third (1/3) available fenced acre of permeable land area is allowed. Horse area to be kept in sanitary and healthful condition to avoid creating unhealthy and unsightly conditions for adjacent properties.
11. Public Utility Easement: A ten foot (10') easement shall be provided for public utilities on the side and rear boundaries of each lot.
12. Signs: See section 9-24-7 of this chapter. (Ord. 2020-07, 11-24-2020; Ord. 2019-10, 8-13-2019: Ord. 2018-03, 2-13-2018; Ord. 2006-12, 8-22-2006; Ord. 2005-06, 8-23-2005; Ord. 99-4, 8-23-1999; 1996 Code; Ord. 93-4, 5-3-1993; Ord. 92-2, 4-27-1992; Ord. 91-2, 1-28-1991; Ord. 77-16, 11-28-1977)