Subdivision Review and Approval
1236.01   Purpose.
1236.02   Parties entitled to seek subdivisions of land.
1236.03   Preapplication; sketch plan.
1236.04   Sketch plan.
1236.05   Application for preliminary plat approval.
1236.06   Standards for reviewing preliminary subdivision plats.
1236.07   Determination of preliminary subdivision plats.
1236.08   Process for final plat approval.
1236.09   Application for final plat approval.
1236.10   Effect of approval/recording.
1236.11   Approval of subdivision without plat.
1236.12   Review expenses.
1236.13   Land transfer prior to final plat approval.
1236.01 PURPOSE.
   The subdivision review procedure is intended to provide for the harmonious development of the City of Bexley, ensuring that the subdivision of land occurs in accordance with the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance and other City policies by requiring the preparation of subdivision plats or subdivisions of land without a plat which meet the development standards of the Bexley Zoning Code and the subdivision regulations provided in Chapter 1234 and herein.
(Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)
   An application to subdivide may be filed by any person, firm or corporation, or by any office, department, board, bureau, or commission which has a legal interest in the real property for which the subdivision is requested, including interests by way of ownership, a purchase agreement, or option. Subdivision is defined in Section 1234.04 and for the purposes of this chapter also includes:
   (1)    Dividing of the land into lots for the purposes of sale.
   (2)    Dedicating a part thereof for streets, alleys, or other public use.
   (3)    Redividing of land previously subdivided.
   (4)   Joining or consolidation of lots previously independent.
   (5)    Changing of the boundaries of any lot or parcel thereof.
   (6)   Any other action that constitutes the subdivision of land as defined in this Code.
      (Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)
   (a)   Prior to the filing for tentative approval of the Preliminary Plat the subdivider shall submit to the Board of Zoning and Planning a sketch plan indicating the location and general approach to developing the site, including approaches to storm water management, utilities, service, access and traffic flow.
   (b)   The purpose of this stage is to discuss early and informally the purpose and effect of these Subdivision Regulations and to familiarize the developer with the comprehensive plan and any other applicable plans and studies, the thoroughfare or transportation plan for the City, zoning and other City planning engineering projects, drainage, sewerage, water systems and similar standards, requirements and plans. The purpose is also to provide the City with sufficient information to evaluate a proposed subdivision at an early stage in the process so as to allow such alterations in plans as may be necessary prior to the applicant incurring large expenditures in the preparation of formal preliminary and Final Plats.
   (c)   The Board of Zoning and Planning shall review the sketch plan with the subdivider and provide comments on the proposal. Any action taken on the sketch plan shall be not binding on the City or the subdivider or constitute approval of a preliminary or Final Plat.
(Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)