An application for a subdivision shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer or designee, on an official, prescribed form. Such application shall be accompanied by a Preliminary Plat, drawn to a scale of not less than one hundred feet to the inch (1":100').
   (a)    Preliminary Subdivision plats shall include:
      (1)    The location of the subdivision as forming a part of some larger tract or parcel of land referred to in the indexes of the County Recorder.
      (2)    Sufficient information to adequately locate the plat, such as references to existing streets, railroads, and waterways.
      (3)    The description and location of all existing survey monuments.
      (4)    Proof of ownership of the property described in the plat.
      (5)    The boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, accurate in scale and bearing, and the total approximate area circumscribed thereby.
      (6)    The location, widths, and other dimensions of all existing platted streets and other important features such as railroad lines, watercourses, existing easements, exceptional topography, etc. on and contiguous to the tract to be subdivided.
      (7)    The location, widths, and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, lots, and building lines.
      (8)    North point, scale, and date of preparation.
      (9)    Layout, numbers, and dimensions of lots.
      (10)   Parcels of land intended to be reserved for public uses or to be reserved by covenant for residents inhabiting the subdivision.
      (11)    Easements for any and all utilities. Proper continuity for the utilities from block to block shall be maintained.
      (12)    Name of the applicant, owner and professional individual including applicable professional license and certification that are responsible for the preparation of the Preliminary Plat.
      (13)    Contours at an interval of two (2) feet and high water levels on all courses.
      (14)   Zoning districts.
      (15)   Vicinity Map.
      (16)   Date of the survey or Preliminary Plat.
      (17)   Proposed street names which do not duplicate names of recorded City streets in Franklin County.
      (18)    A signature line for the Secretary of the Board of Zoning and Planning, labeled "Secretary, Board of Zoning and Planning, City of Bexley, Ohio".
   (b)   Preliminary Plat Review. The Zoning Officer or designee shall coordinate a review of this Preliminary Plat to include review by all relevant Departments, and submit written findings to the Board of Zoning and Planning.
      (Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)