1236.04 SKETCH PLAN.
   (a)   A sketch plan shall include:
      (1)   The names and addresses of owners and developers.
      (2)   Approximate boundary lines of the proposed development.
      (3)   A tentative layout of the proposed streets and lots and major proposed improvements.
      (4)   The general location of significant natural features, such as trees and drainage ways.
      (5)   The basic development information such as minimum lot size and dimension, type and size of building, anticipated occupancy at completion, and drainage patterns.
      (6)   A vicinity map showing the land use and zoning of the area within a radius of one-half mile.
      (7)   Date, north arrow and plan scale.
      (8)   Any other information as will be necessary to give the Board of Zoning and Planning a comprehensive understanding of the proposed concept.
         (Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)