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Boarding Houses
850.01   Purpose.
850.02   Definitions.
850.05   Boarding house licensure required.
850.10   Life safety plan requirements.
850.20   Off street parking requirements.
850.30   Maximum number of occupants.
850.40   Application review and annual inspection.
850.50   Pre-existing boarding house requirements.
850.60   Notice of violation; suspending operations.
850.70   Denial or revocation of license.
850.80   Transfer of license.
850.99   Penalties.
850.01 PURPOSE.
   Boarding house licensure is required in order to provide for safe living conditions and adequate parking arrangements in boarding house properties, and to ensure the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare.
(Ord. 09-20. Passed 4-14-20.)
   As used in this chapter, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   (a)   "Boarding house" shall be construed consistently with the definition provided in Chapter 1230.
   (b)   "Pre-existing non-conforming use" means a lawful boarding house use that was in existence and legally operating on or up to six months prior to the effective date of this chapter.
      (Ord. 09-20. Passed 4-14-20.)