824.01 License required.
824.02 Application information.
824.03 License fee; effective period.
824.04 Display of property; advertising.
824.05 Exemption.
824.06 Permit refusal.
824.07 Community yard sale events.
824.99 Penalty.
Parking for advertising purposes - see TRAF. 452.15
Sales from vehicles - see TRAF. 452.16
Distribution of handbills - see GEN. OFF. 660.14
Peddlers and solicitors - see B. R. & T. Ch. 832
No person shall publicly sell, or publicly offer for sale, tangible personal property, in a residence located in an R-3, R-6, R-12 or R-24 District or the yard, garage or outbuildings of such residence, without first having obtained a license from the City for that purpose and paid the license fee therefor, as hereinafter provided.
(Ord. 10-72. Passed 5-9-72.)
The application for a license required by Section 824.01 shall contain the name of the applicant, the address of the applicant's residence, the address where such tangible personal property is to be offered for sale, the dates on which the sale will be conducted, a general description of all the tangible personal property to be included in the sale and a statement as to whether or not such tangible personal property belongs exclusively to the applicant, and, if not, the names and addresses of the other owners.
(Ord. 10-72. Passed 5-9-72.)