1230.01   Interpretation of terms.
1230.02   Accessory use or structure.
1230.03   Alley/lane.
1230.04   Automotive repair.
1230.05   Automotive service stations.
1230.06   Average grade.
1230.07   Average setback.
1230.075   Base floorplate.
1230.08   Bathroom (full).
1230.09   Bathroom (half).
1230.10   Bed and breakfast.
1230.11   Bedroom.
1230.12   Boarding house.
1230.13   Building.
1230.14   Building footprint.
1230.15   Building height.
1230.16   Building length.
1230.17   Campus use.
1230.18   Car wash.
1230.19   Common commercial facility.
1230.20   Commercial parking lot.
1230.21   Commercial uses.
1230.22   Cooking facility.
1230.23   Deck.
1230.24   Detached.
1230.245   Dormer, functional.
1230.247   Dormer, non-functional.
1230.25   Drive-through facility.
1230.26   Dwelling.
1230.27   Dwelling unit.
1230.28   Easement.
1230.285   Eave.
1230.287   Eave height.
1230.29   Essential services.
1230.295   Family.
1230.30   Fence.
1230.31   Fill.
1230.315   Finished accessory structure attic floor area.
1230.32   Finished grade level.
1230.325   First floor wall height.
1230.33   Floods; area limits.
1230.34   Floodway.
1230.35   Floor area, net.
1230.36   Floor area, gross.
1230.37   Frontage.
1230.38   Grade plane.
1230.39   Home occupation.
1230.40   Home office.
1230.41   Hotel or motel.
1230.42   Impervious cover.
1230.43   In-law suite.
1230.44   Institutional use.
1230.45   Kitchen.
1230.46   Lot.
1230.47   Lot, corner.
1230.48   Lot coverage, building area.
1230.49   Lot coverage, overall.
1230.50   Lot depth.
1230.51   Lot, flag.
1230.52   Lot, interior.
1230.53   Lot line.
1230.54   Lot line, front.
1230.55   Lot line, interior.
1230.56   Lot line, rear.
1230.57   Lot line, side.
1230.58   Lot of record.
1230.59   Lot, through.
1230.60   Lot width.
1230.61   Multifamily dwelling.
1230.62   Outdoor facility.
1230.63   Portable storage unit.
1230.64   Principal structure.
1230.65   Principal use.
1230.66   Professional offices.
1230.67   Public - private setback zone.
1230.68   Public service facility.
1230.69   Public uses.
1230.70   Quasi-public use.
1230.71   Restaurant.
1230.72   Retail, convenience.
1230.73   Retail sales and retail services.
1230.74   Right-of-way.
1230.75   Screening.
1230.76   Sight triangle, intersection.
1230.77   Single-family dwelling.
1230.78   Story, residential.
1230.79   Story, commercial.
1230.80   Street, private.
1230.81   Street, public.
1230.82   Structure.
1230.83   Subdivision.
1230.84   Tavern.
1230.85   Townhouse.
1230.86   Tree, caliper.
1230.87   Two-family dwelling.
1230.88   Use, accessory.
1230.89   Use, conditional.
1230.90   Use, existing.
1230.91   Use, nonconforming.
1230.92   Use, permitted.
1230.93   Use, principal.
1230.94   Use, temporary.
1230.95   Variance.
1230.96   Walk-in use.
1230.97   Yards.
1230.98   Zoning Map.
   For the purposes of the Zoning Code, certain terms and words used herein shall be interpreted according to the definitions presented in this chapter. The word "person" includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company or corporation as well as an individual. The present tense includes the future tense, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The word "shall" is mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. The words "used" or "occupied" include the words "intended, designed or arranged to be used or occupied." The word "lot" includes the words "plot or parcel;" the word "property" is meant to include a lot and the improvement thereon. Except as defined below, all words used in this Zoning Code shall carry their customary meanings.
(Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)
   "Accessory use or structure" means a use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to, the principal use or structure. Parking structures or parking lots are accessory structures or uses except where they are the principal structure or use or where they are an integral part of the principal structure or use.
(Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16; Ord. 08-20. Passed 7-14-20.)