Peddlers and Solicitors
832.01    Door to door selling; public opinion polls.
832.02    Annoying building occupants.
832.03    Sales from or adjacent to public property.
832.04   Retail sale of food items from mobile, non-permanent, food carts.
832.05   Permit to solicit charitable contributions in the roadway.
832.99    Penalty.
Home solicitation sales - see Ohio R.C. 1345.21 et seq.
Charitable solicitations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1716
Parking for advertising purposes - see TRAF. 452.15
Sales from vehicles - see TRAF. 452.16
Crying one's wares- see GEN. OFF. 648.11(b)(10)
Littering - see GEN. OFF. 660.03
Distribution of handbills - see GEN. OFF. 660.14
Garage and yard sales - see B.R. & T. Ch. 824
Transient dealers - see B. R. & T. Ch. 840
   (a)    No person shall engage in door to door selling or solicitation or public opinion polls with questions in the City unless such person has first obtained a license under the provisions of this section. Persons engaged in public opinion polling are not exempt from this section.
   (b)    The provisions of this section except (i) shall not apply to volunteer solicitors for any church or synagogue located in the City of Bexley, or for any charity approved by the Mayor of the City of Bexley.
   (c)    Each applicant for a license shall pay a filing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), shall furnish a current, front head photograph without head coverage or sunglasses, not more than two and one-half inches by three and one-half inches and shall complete and execute an application, the form and questions of which shall be prepared by the Chief of Police. A license is required and must be visibly displayed on each person who will be engaging in door to door solicitation. The fee is waived for persons engaged in public opinion polls, but all other provisions in this section (b) remain in force.
   (d)    The Chief or officer in charge may withhold the issuance of the license for a reasonable time if the Chief has reason to believe an investigation should be made prior to such issuance.
   (e)    The Chief or officer in charge may issue a license to such applicant after consideration of the application and the results of any investigation, if such applicant is of full age, has a good reputation, has no criminal record, is not and has not been engaged in fraudulent activities and will comply with the laws of the State of Ohio and the City of Bexley. However, no license will be issued to an applicant under eighteen years of age unless such applicant is a resident of the City of Bexley.
   (f)    The term of any license issued hereunder shall be for the balance of the calendar year. The renewal of any license issued hereunder shall be processed in the same manner as the original.
   (g)    Any such license may be suspended indefinitely and without notice by the Police Department, the Director of Public Safety or the Mayor, if it is found that the application contains a false statement or upon complaint that such licensee has engaged in unreasonable sales techniques, used improper language, failed or refused to leave any premises upon request or violated any law of the City of Bexley, the State of Ohio, or the United States. Such
suspension may be appealed to the Mayor's Court of the City of Bexley.
   (h)    No person shall engage in door to door sales or solicitations or conduct any public opinion poll when his license has been suspended or has expired.
   (i)    No person shall engage in door to door sales or solicitations or public opinion polls before 9:00a.m. No person shall engage in door to door sales or solicitations after 8:00 p.m. or sundown, whichever is earlier. No person shall engage in door to door public opinion polling after 9:00 p.m. (Ord. 19-12. Passed 4-24-12.)
   No person engaged in door to door solicitation or selling or public opinion poll questioning (removed: sale of any article, goods or merchandise, or for the subscription to any book, magazine or other literature,) upon the premises of another in the City shall disturb or annoy the occupant of such premises, or refuse to leave such premises upon the request of such occupant, or gain admittance to such premises other than by the consent of invitation of the
occupant thereof. (Ord. 19-12. Passed 4-24-12.)
   No person shall sell, barter, offer for sale or expose for sale, at retail or wholesale, any goods, wares, substance for human consumption or any commodity or other article, upon public streets or alleys, or in entrances to buildings or other premises, or upon vacant lots or other tracts of land within 500 feet of the property line of any school, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on days when the school is in session, except at events conducted by or authorized by the school authorities.
(Ord. 15-76. Passed 4-13-76.)