For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(a) "Face Covering" shall mean a covering designed to cover the nose and mouth of the individual wearing it, for the purpose of reducing the spread and intake of respiratory droplets and/or for public health purposes. “Face Coverings” can include, but are not limited to, surgical or procedural masks, cloth masks, and other devices intended to protect against respiratory spread.
(b) "Place of Public Accommodation" means any inn, restaurant, eating house, barbershop, public conveyance by air, land or water, theater, store, or other place for the sale of merchandise, or any other place of public accommodation or amusement where the accommodation advantages, facilities, or privileges thereof are available to the public.
(Ord. 05-22. Passed 3-22-22.)
(a) Owners and operators of places of public accommodation may not require the removal of Face Coverings in public spaces, or refuse service based upon an individual's refusal to remove Face Coverings in a Place of Public Accommodation, subject to the exceptions contained herein.
(b) Owners and operators may request the temporary removal of a mask for identification or security purposes.
(Ord. 05-22. Passed 3-22-22.)