   The following sign regulations shall apply in the General Commercial District:
   (A)   No animated signs shall be permitted in the General Commercial District.
   (B)   No pennants, streamers or inflatable devices shall be permitted in the General Commercial District.
   (C)   Roof and wall signs shall be permitted.
   (D)   Except for a gas station and mini-marts or convenience stores with fuel pumps, pylon signs are not permitted.
   (E)   No billboards shall be permitted in the General Commercial District.
   (F)   Signs shall not be located in any public right-of-way and shall not be any closer than 5 feet to any boundary lot line.
   (G)   A sign zoning parcel may contain multiple signs for each permitted use on the sign zoning parcel provided that their total area does not exceed 100 square feet in the aggregate and no individual sign shall be larger than 36 square feet.
   (H)   All illuminated signs shall be front lit and the lighting fixtures shall be mounted facing down at or near the top of the sign structure and located a minimum of 200 feet from any residential property line or any residential lot of record.
   (I)   Signs shall not be attached to any tree or shrub.
   (J)   All existing permanent wall and freestanding signs lawfully in existence immediately prior to December 16, 2013 can remain until removed or replaced by a lawful sign as defined by this subchapter or until such time as said existing legal sign is no longer safely maintained or the use is changed. An existing sign may be changed so long as the sign’s gross surface area is not increased.
(Ord. 2013-09, passed 12-16-2013; Am. Ord. 2018-06, passed 8-21-2018)
§ 155.111 OUTDOOR SALES.
   Outdoor sales areas shall conform to the following requirements:
   (A)   Outdoor sales shall not be located within 15 feet of any public street or boundary lot line.
   (B)   Outdoor areas for the sale of seasonal inventory shall be constructed of materials and colors conforming to those used as predominant materials and colors of the principal building. If such areas are to be covered, then the covering shall conform to those used as predominant materials and colors of the principal building.
   (C)   Only 1 outdoor sales area is permitted on a lot and, except for a garden center, an outdoor farmers' market or fruit or vegetable stand, such area shall not exceed 10% of area of the lot. Outdoor dining areas are not subject to the outdoor sales area limitation.
(Ord. 2013-09, passed 12-16-2013)
   All buildings, structures and uses shall conform to the following requirements:
   (A)   Lot area. Each principal building erected in the General Commercial District together with accessory buildings, required parking spaces and required loading berths shall be erected on a zoning parcel having an area not less than 20,000 square feet. A minimum building parcel width of at least 100 feet measured at the lot line bordering an improved street and the required minimum front yard setback.
   (B)   Floor area ratio. The combined floor area ratio of the principal building and all accessory buildings on a lot shall not exceed 35% of the total area of the lot.
   (C)   Front yard. Each lot shall have a front yard with a depth of not less than 30 feet. On zoning parcels with depth of less than 70 feet the front yard shall have a depth of not less than 15 feet.
   (D)   Side yards.
      (1)   Each lot shall have 2 side yards, 1 on each side of the principal building.
      (2)   The width of each side yard shall not be less than 10 feet, provided, however that on a corner lot, the side yards on the street side shall be 15 feet.
   (E)   Rear yard. Each zoning parcel shall have a rear yard of 10 feet in depth from the property line.
   (F)   Height limits. No building or structure shall exceed 2 stories, nor shall any building or structure exceed 35 feet in height from the existing grade of the lot.
   (G)   Accessory uses and buildings. All accessory uses, buildings and structures shall comply with all standards applicable to the General Commercial District. No accessory use shall be established or erected prior to the establishment or erection of the principal use, building or structure to which it is accessory.
   (H)   Lighting standards. The purpose of these lighting standards and the policy of the Town of Beverly Shores is to minimize glare and over-lighting beyond the property boundary of each lot by limiting outdoor lighting that is misdirected, excessive or unnecessary. The density of outdoor lighting, whether shielded or unshielded, shall not exceed in the aggregate 50,000 lumens per acre in the General Commercial District. Lighting shall be shielded to meet the following requirements:
      (1)   No light shall shine directly into the windows of a building on abutting lot.
      (2)   No light shall shine directly from a light source onto the ground or improvements of an abutting lot, although incidental light may be permitted to fall on an abutting lot. Such lighting shall not exceed 1/2 of an ISO foot-candle at ground level on the abutting lot.
      (3)   No light shall shine directly onto public roads.
      (4)   No parking lot lighting standard or building fixture shall exceed 25 feet in height from grade level.
      (5)   Light fixtures located closer to a side or rear lot line than the side or rear yard setback, shall be no more than 10 feet high, and shall direct the light source away from the boundary line of the lot.
      (6)   Light fixtures located adjacent to a residential use of a lot shall be setback a minimum of 20 feet from the boundary line of the lot.
      (7)   No streamers or festoon lighting, comprising a group of incandescent light bulbs, shall be hung or strung on a building or any other structure.
      (8)   No flashing or intermittent or moving lights, including lights on signs, shall be permitted.
      (9)   Any lighting fixture with a lamp or lamps rated at a total of more than 1,800 lumens, and all flood or spot lighting fixtures with a lamp or lamps rated at a total of more than 900 lumens, shall not emit any direct light above a horizontal plane through the lowest direct-light-emitting part of the lighting fixture.
      (10)   All existing lighting fixtures lawfully in existence immediately prior to December 16, 2013 can remain until removed or replaced by a lawful lighting fixture as defined by this subchapter or until such time as said existing lighting fixture is no longer safely maintained or the use is changed.
   (I)   Violations. All violations of the regulations of the General Commercial District shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $2,500 per violation. Each calendar day that the violation shall continue to exist, or each distinct repetition of any violation, shall constitute a separate violation.
(Ord. 2013-09, passed 12-16-2013)
§ 155.130 SAND MINING.
   (A)   In all districts, sand mining or any other type of mining in any amount is strictly prohibited.
   (B)   In all districts, owners shall preserve and leave undeveloped land in the natural state to protect the flora and fauna. In the process of excavation for building construction, any bulldozing and grading shall be governed by § 155.134(D) below.
(Ord. 208, passed 12-19-1983) Penalty, see § 155.999