§ 155.105 PURPOSE.
   It is the intent of this subchapter to establish regulations for the General Commercial District to provide well-designed commercial land uses in conformance with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Beverly Shores, and the following objectives:
   (A)   Provide a broad range of commercial uses in the General Commercial District.
   (B)   Encourage construction in the General Commercial District that is compatible with the natural environment of Beverly Shores and minimizes storm water runoff on to public streets by installing pervious surfaces for parking areas or installing adequate drainage facilities.
   (C)   Encourage consolidation of driveways, parking, and curb cuts that minimize congestion and hazardous traffic conditions and provide more efficient and economical off-street access and parking.
   (D)   Encourage a coordinated pedestrian path system to provide efficient and convenient off-street pedestrian access from parking areas to and among the various permitted uses.
   (E)   Encourage and permit reasonable use of outdoor lighting for advertising, nighttime safety, utility and security while preserving the ambiance of the night and curtail any degradation of the nighttime visual environment and the night sky.
(Ord. 2013-09, passed 12-16-2013)