1062.01 Availability of Council Room and Training Room.
1062.02 Permits for use of Council Room and Training Room.
1062.03 Restrictions.
1062.04 Reservations.
1062.05 Conditions of use.
1062.06 Permit fee; exempted persons.
1062.99 Penalty.
Council generally - see ADM. Ch. 220
Offenses relating to property - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 642
Possession of Municipal property - see GEN. OFF. 642.23
(a) A permit shall be obtained by any individual or organization desiring to use the Council Room or the Training Room.
(b) A Village resident twenty-one years of age or older may apply for and receive the permit required herein.
(c) A permit shall be obtained at least two weeks prior to the date of the scheduled event. All permits shall be issued on a first-come basis.
(d) Applications for permits shall be available in the office of the Mayor and once completed shall be filed in the office of the Mayor. A permit fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per scheduled use shall be required of any non-Village profit-making entity.
(e) Only those areas and facilities expressly listed on the permit may be used, and such areas and facilities may be used only during the hours indicated on the permit.
(Ord. 1995-29. Passed 8-16-95.)
(a) Only the Council Room may be used for non-Village functions. No other room in the Village Hall shall be opened to the public without the permission of the Mayor or the Chief of Police.
(b) No open containers of alcoholic beverages will be permitted during the use.
(c) The use of food and/or beverages, and those areas in the Village Hall where they are permitted, shall be limited.
(d) The Village Hall is a smoke-free building. No smoking is permitted therein.
(e) An adult, twenty-one years of age or older, shall be present at all times during the use of the facility. The Village Hall shall close at 11:00 p.m.
(Ord. 1995-29. Passed 8-16-95.)