(a)   All individuals or groups using the Village Hall shall agree to hold the Village, together with its public officials and employees, harmless from any liability in connection with loss of life, personal injury or damage to property arising from or out of the use of the Village Hall and shall be required to sign a written agreement so stating.
   (b)   Any right or privilege granted to any person or organization to use the Village Hall, or any part thereof, is personal and exclusive, and shall not be transferable to any other person or organization.
   (c)   Parking shall be permitted only in the prescribed parking areas.
   (d)   The cost of repairing any damage to the facility or its contents shall be charged directly to the permit holder, whether an individual or an organization, in occupancy at the time of the damage.
   (e)   No tape, thumbtacks, nails, screw-in hooks, staples or other fasteners shall be used on any surface in the Village Hall, nor shall any decorations be hung from the ceiling.
   (f)   The Village shall not be responsible for any damage to any property that an individual or group brings into the facility to display, exhibit or use, regardless of the cause, nor shall the Village be liable to any group for any loss by theft. All articles shall be removed at the end of each use and shall not remain overnight.
   (g)   Chairs, tables and other equipment shall be set up and taken down, cleaned and returned to the original position by the permit holder. Chairs and tables are not to be placed against walls.
   (h)   The permit holder should check carefully to make sure that the building, facilities, parking lot and all equipment are in the same condition as they were prior to use. The building shall be checked by a Village official or employee every morning after a scheduled event.
(Ord. 1995-29. Passed 8-16-95.)